Dark Sun (tm) Campaign

Day 8: Alone In The Wastes

Cenedra has run off on her own, heading for Thyr. When she realised what she was doing, she prepared herself for the trek back to her allies.

It's days like this that force me to regret the format in which I represent these memories. After I catched up with the group, the power I'd used to keep on running took it's toll and I passed out. Alas, what a spoil of many a now and what a spoil of hard-find paper.

After a long night of uninterrupted running, at a faster pace than set usually by Elves, it became morning. And still I was running and still no sight of the others. The run was unlike any other. No joyful ponderings of the tranquility and ease of this now. Not a thought for the future, thank the Sun. No thoughts at all but to keep on going, pushing onwards, gaining with each long stride on the group ahead of me, but still not enough. Still more reason to push onwards. Still not caught up with them.

I had used my mental power to surpress my need for food and sleep. As I knew from the start, this would take it's toll. And when I rejoined the group, it did. I runned up to the car. Syrx approached me and said something like "Wastes! Where have you been?". The next thing I remember was fainting on him.

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