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Revision as of 22:01, 15 January 2024

Session 0Session 1Session 23

My Dear Notebook

Played on 07-01-2024
Day 0
by Octavia
Dear Notebook,

This story is not for the Elder, or for anyone else in that matter. Not for as long as I live at least. This notebook is just for me! :)

So who am I. My name is Octavîa and I live in the Ark, just like all other 232 231. When I was younger The Elder made me a Chronicler, he saw something in me as youngest person in the Ark. He learned me how to read and write, told me about the Ark and its people, and now I'm writing down the tales of the Ark.

I want to help the People, I always wanted that. That's why I became a Bonesaw. I learned the basics from Olîas, but he is no longer with us :'( The !@#$% Rot got him, like it got so many. One day I'm going to cure it, I'm sure of it! That's what I was already thinking for 5 years, but never did I dare to set a foot outside of the Ark. I was not going to ignore the Elder's warnings, the Rot is out there! But still, inside the Ark I will never find a cure.

This all changed when my mutation appeared. Somehow I got insensitive to the Rot, and one time I even spit it out! Luckily I didn't hit anyone, I think that would've hurt. But this gave me the courage to go out there together with Tesla!!

Who she is? She is the best girl in the world! We are already best friends and roommates for as long as I can remember!
Sometimes she can be a bit sad about how things are going in the Ark, but I always manage to cheer her up! She is so cool and is never afraid for what's out there! And now, sometimes, she allows me to go with her out into the Zone!

Oh, and Tesla is also the one that found you, dear notebook, and brought you to me <3

Here some other people that are important in my life:

  • Ruby is beautiful and great and whenever I need something I know she can get it!
  • Lincoln is a little scary sometimes and is a boss. But he is nice to me and I always help him if anyone of his gang is injured. He got the most interesting things happening to him, not always good things, but still, I think he will make a great story and I will make sure that I write it down!
  • Rianna is also a friend, she is strong and can get angry quickly, but never to me. I've stitched her up a lot. While doing that I learned her how to do it herself.
  • Bolt knows a lot and can make anything with scrap, but he doesn't understand the stories around it.
  • Finn is a friend of Lincoln, that's how I know him. The best part of him is his dog! I love that dog! <3
Lately things are going worse in the Ark, we are running out of resources, factions are forming. People are killed for no reason at all, like Sarah. Some people are even worse than the Rot.
Oh, and talking about bad people, never listen to what Silas tells, his stories are fake and are making Harper look like a hero instead of the ruffian he is!

So that's who I am. And I'm going to cure the Rot, fix our resources problem and unite the Ark! Well... maybe not alone... I'll contribute to it at least! Lets keep hope, we can do it!

That's it for now, more stories will follow I'm sure of it. But be patient dear notebook, stories need time to happen...

Speak to you soon!

Session 0Session 1Session 23

Updated on: 13:37