
From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 12:05, 8 January 2024 by Xavier (talk | contribs)


Glossary of NPC's, Location's, etc

People (NPC's) of the Ark:

Name Role PC Relations Gang Short description
Harper Boss Lincoln hate, Tesla hate Harper Killed Sarah and enslaved her protégé Wyatt.
Silas Chronicler Octavia hate Harper Tells lies, but the People love listening to him.
Wyatt Slave Lincoln protect Harper Needs to be freed from Boss Harper.
Gerald Enforcer Rianna hate Harper He seems to have an unusual interest in kicking Rianna's ass.
Jack Enforcer Lincoln
Garrett Enforcer Lincoln
Finley Enforcer Lincoln
Felix Dog Handler Lincoln
Ava Stalker Lincoln
Max Gearhead Lincoln
Ruby Fixer Octavia protect Lincoln She can always get what Octavia needs.
Sabine ? Bolt protect Interested in Bolt's creations, but keeps on breaking them.
Steward Gearhead Bolt hate Bolt is convinced he keeps stealing his things
Elona Boss Elona
The Elder Elder Can’t stand up on his own anymore. They say he can’t even take a piss without help.
PortraitNameRolePC RelationsGangMutationShort Description
Abbetina PlutoniaMember of the Nova cult, very pregnant.
AvaStalker Tesla protectLincolnWe need more people who know how to survive in the zone.
CarlaStalker ChairmanAmbushed by Tesla and Finn.
ChairmanBoss ChairmanBoss of the Tower. Can make children!
ConnerChronicler ElonaGot inspired by a Klansman book and started murdering people of color in the Ark.
ElonaBoss ElonaHuman MagnetThe Bureaucrat, rules by referring to the rules and commandments of the Elder. Thinks that the People should do as they always have.
FarzadGuard XerxesA bunch of identical looking men coming from oil rigs in the south.
FelixDog Handler LincolnTogether with his dog they form a valuable addition to Lincoln's gang. Killed by a huge bird in the Zone.
FinleyEnforcer LincolnNever backs down from a fistfight with Harper's cronies.
FrecklesStalker LutrellA member of the [[Pure-One
GarrettEnforcer LincolnOne of the most bulky enforcers with the Ark.
GeraldFixer Rianna hateHarperManbeastHe seems to have an unusual interest in kicking Rianna's ass.
HarperBoss Lincoln hate, Tesla hateHarperThe Kingpin. Killed Sarah and enslaved her protégé Wyatt.
JackEnforcer LincolnInsect WingsFloats like a butterfly, stings like a bee.
Jamie Friend of Finn who was killed by Sable
Jo-AnnStalker Rianna protectElonaExtreme ReflexesShe's secretly in love with Bolt but Rianna is the only one who knows this.
KincadeGrunt Dead by axe in head.
Krin? LincolnFemale refugee from the The Tower
Latifa? ElonaDead by suicide (or did more happen?!).
LonaMedic XerxesA doctor that is still convinced that the boat from Noatun will still arrive.
LongshotHealer ElonaA healer in Elona's crew.
LutrellBoss LutrellLeader of the [[Pure One
MalfFixer HarperExtremely loyal to his boss.
MaxGearhead LincolnTinkerer of cool looking gadgets.
MiriChronicler ElonaChronicler in Elona's gang
NyraChronicler ElonaConfidant of Elona
OhmGrunt PlutoniaReptilianMember of the Nova cult, pig farmer
PlutoniaBoss PlutoniaLeader of the Nova cult
RebethEnforcer ChairmanPersonal guard of the Chairman
RubyFixer Octavia protectLincolnShe can always get what Octavia needs.
SabineStalker Bolt protectHuman MagnetInterested in Bolt's creations, but keeps on breaking them.
SableFixer Finn hateElonaKilled Jamie who was Finn's friend.
SadekMedic XerxesA doctor on the oil rig that Xerxes is inhabiting.
Sarah Lincoln's murdered girlfriendLincolnWas murdered by boss Harper.
ScarlettTechnician XerxesA red-headed technician that might know something about producing oil from the water.
SilasChronicler Octavia hateHarperTells lies, but the People love listening to him.
StewardGearhead Bolt hateReptilianBolt is convinced he keeps stealing his things
TankDog LincolnHis boss Felix died. For now he is following Lincoln.
The ElderElder Can’t stand up on his own anymore. They say he can’t even take a piss without help.
TyrellEnforcer LincolnBest friend of Garrett. Only recently joined Lincolns gang.
Verter PlutoniaMember of the Nova cult, clad in a silver jumpsuit.
VoronEnforcer HarperFour-ArmedFought Rianna during a wrestling match and lost
WyattSlave Lincoln protectHarperWas the protégé of Sarah. Needs to be freed from Boss Harper.
XerxesBoss XerxesRobot, but looks very human. A handsome and fit man. Neat appearance.
YelenaAncient? Eden?Found wandering the swamps. Talks strange language and still a bit confused.