17 - Day 15-16

From Mutant Year Zero
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{{SessionLog |ID=17 |Title=Day 15-16 |Subtitle=Stabilizing the Ark |Author=Lincoln |DatePlayed=26-05-2024 |DateInGame=Day 15-16 |Log=

the Ark

Before the others head out to the Pure Plant to return the Pure-Ones, I ask Octavia to try and get some pigs from Lutrell to get our own pigsty going.

I make sure the former tower inhabitants are fed well. I instruct them to keep a low profile and not start wondering of to the other levels of the Ark to avoid any run-ins with Harpers crew. I Task [[Garett][ to keep an eye on them. I make some inquiries about the deaths of Kincade, Latifa and Gerald but no new news on them. There's just some gossip that the Latifas suicide is quite unexpected. There's some talk about a failed romance, but nothing concrete.

The next day I pay a visit to Elona. There's a bunch of people in the room running around like headless chickens, not adding any positive to the Edlers situation so I order them to get out. Elona thanks me for this, she really seems to be burned out by the situation, which got even worse with her main chronicler Miri being found dead this night. Guards tell us she was screaming and as they ran inside. They saw Miri acting in a psychotic way. Her limbs all twisted, her face distorted with a death scare in her eyes, looking at the Elder as if was attempting to strangle her for her incompetent healing work. The guards tried to wake her up, but as they tried that, she dropped dead. Another unexpected death, but this time Elona mentions some weird pattern about three of the four recently deceased. They all got a dark skin. Could there be a common cause to this. And how to explain the death of Gerald than....? Another chronicler has now taken over the care for the Elder and I promise to send Octavia up as soon as she has returned.

As the death of the Elder is now eminent I discuss with Elona how we should continue in that event. But as she's so shook up by the whole situation she diverts that question to her confidant Mara. I discuss possible ways we could rearrange the leadership structure and what projects would benefit the Ark moving forward. Mara explains the main focus of Elona is to keep the ways of the Elder alive.

The rest of the day I spent with the former tower men to check up on them how they are doing. For the ones who are ready and willing I get them to work our croplands. They can definately be more free with us than they were, but still there's food and lodging to earned like all inhabitants of the Ark do.

Pure plant

  • dag 2
    • Door naar pure plant met de bus.
    • Octavia, pure-ones en Tesla stappen uit en lopen naar eiland.
    • Bus rijdt voorzichtig uit het zicht om de plant heen
    • Gesprek met Lutrell. Uitleg over wit poeder en hoe het zwembad schoon te krijgen
    • Lutrell wel wat bang voor gevolgen van bevrijden pure-ones. maar mogelijk dat we kunnen helpen met nog wat meer wapens
    • Extra vraag over biggetjes voor pigsty. Beetje probleem, maar eigenlijk niet, want ze zijn ons veel verschuldigd voor het bevrijden van de pure ones.
    • We krijgen alles waar we om vroegen, dat laden we in de bus en terug naar de Ark, via de noordkant van de rivier
    • Bolt gedraagt zich vreemd en maakt bangmakende opmerkingen
