
From Mutant Year Zero
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Dog Handler

Dog has weapon damage 2. It is action to command dog to attack; after that they attack on their own. It is a maneuver to call your dog back.

Chronicler - Inspire

The chroniclers specialist skill Inspire has proven to be a little go good. Now the first success rolled gives the target +2 or -2 to the skill he is about to roll for. Each additional success gives an additional +1 or -1 to this."

So Inspire no longer gives successes to the target, only modification dice (skill dice)

Note also that we are using homebrew rule that Inspire cannot be used to assist on a skill that the Chronicler using Inspire could not themselves roll due to lack of talent, skill, gear, or whatever. This includes not being able to inspire Zone Cook if Chronicler doesn’t also have that talent. Even though the Zone Cook talent requires a roll using the Know the Zone skill, you cannot inspire a skill roll that you could not roll yourself due to lack of talent (or other reason) as noted above. Reference

NPCs and Mutations

At the start of each session, the GM gets a number of Mutation Points to her pool equal to the total number of MP that the players have combined.

Reflexes - Mutation

Fight or Shoot an enemy a second time in the same turn. The extra attack costs you 1 MP. You don’t get an extra maneuver. (E)

Initiative Roll

Roll a D6 each. No skill is used, and you can’t push the roll. The one who rolls highest acts first. If it’s a tie, highest current Agility score goes first. If it’s still a tie, break it with any unmodified die roll.


  • Strength: A ration of food per point of Strength to be restored.
  • Agility: A ration of water per point of Agility to be restored.

Fifth Mutation

Max four: You can never have more than four mutations. When you draw your fifth card, you have to discard one of the four old cards you have. You chose which one. This means that one of your character's mutations regresses in favour of the new one.


As a stunt when you Fight, you can choose to pin your opponent down using fangs and claws, or just your body weight. To break loose, your opponent needs to win an opposed roll for Fight against you. This roll counts as an action for your opponent but not for you. While pinned, your opponent can perform no other action requiring physical movement.

Grapple Attack: While grappling someone, the only physical action you can perform is a grapple attack against the opponent. This counts as a normal close combat attack, with these differences:

  • You can’t use any weapon.
  • You get a +2 modification.
  • Your enemy cannot defend against the attack.

Bomb Shrapnel Damage

Misprint: Page 94 - Shrapnel: This is a stunt when using the Jury-Rig skill. If so armed, the Blast Power weapon damage of the bomb is increased to 2. The base damage for the first RAD would be 2, but then each additional RAD would just add 1 damage (not the base weapon damage again). This would make it work like other all the other weapons. So if Naphta rolled 4 RAD, it would be 5 damage (2+1+1+1) not 8 (2+2+2+2).

Rule Clarifications (homebrew based on fria ligan forum talks)

Scrap Armor and Protective Suits are REGULAR encumbrance weight.

Non-durable items breaks after use even if they do not work correctly (i.e. scrap armor that fails to protect from damage still breaks after roll for protection if it is not durable ).

INSECT WINGS mutation effect of sound attack is SHORT range. Mutant does not choose targets; it affects closest enemies first with random tie-break if more than one at same distance. We decided attack only affects enemies (pending clarificaiton from forums).

SHAKE IT OFF is rolled after armor or other effects that prevent damage. In other words, SHAKE IT OFF is rolled against damage that would otherwise be taken once damage prevention effects resolve.

Source: and