Rulings & Reminders

From Mutant Year Zero



  • Experience: 1 XP / session (regardless of attendance)
  • Mutation Points:
    • 1 MP per session automatically
    • Written log in time for next session: 1 MP
    • Good role-playing: maximum of 1 MP per session
  • Progress Ark’s projects: once per 2 sessions
  • Session body count: once per 2 sessions


  • Rot, Grub and Water rations are tracked in the morning.
  • If you’re in the Ark, you don’t have to track Grub and Water rations: it’s assumed you offer services to the People and in return you receive rations from a ‘communal stash’.
  • If you go on an expedition in the Zone, you get 1d6 resources per character (your choice of grub or water) per 10 Food Supply ratin the Ark has obtained.
  • In a sector that was explored previously, you can try to find more resources. In this case, the first success on a Find The Path role counts is immediately a bonus success.
  • 1 Water ration is ~2 liter
  • 1 water barrel is ~150 liters


Corpse-Eater: Eating a Zone-Ghoul grants 1.5 ration of Grub (instead of 2 for a normal human/mutant)


Putting something down usually doesn’t take an action or maneuver, unless you need to take special care.

Reminders and world-building

  • “The Zone map has a square grid. Every square is called a sector, and is roughly one mile wide.” (p.97)

The People

  • All of the People are roughly in the range of 18-30 years old. (As far as they know, since there’s no real reckoning of years.)
  • Your memories are hazy, and you basically can’t remember anything from before you turned five years old.
  • Zone Cook: Before Octavia, there were no Zone Cooks in the Ark.
  • There are about 8 other dog handlers in the Ark
  • There is no “in-game Assembly” where all the People gather together in one place. This would be too disruptive to the daily proceedings, and there’s no good spot to do this anyway.

The Ark

  • The Ark’s home sector is the area where a bunch of the People, even non-Stalkers, have explored.
  • The immediate area around the Ark had a lot of buildings. Most of them are severely dilapidated or deteriorated into ruins, barely recognisable as buildings.
  • Wildlife here is sparse, but not super rare.
  • Mostly, there’s vermin and small creatures like rats and seagulls. Most of these bear mutations.
  • Dogs: “If there’s something the Ark is not in short supply of, it’s wild mutts.” (p.34)
  • There’s no (steady) electricity on the Ark.
  • Light is provided by small fires, a ever-dwindling supply of candles, and lamps with booze as fuel.