1 - The Cross

From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 17:29, 15 January 2024 by Xavier (talk | contribs)
Session 0Session 1Session 2Session 23

With the Ancient

Played on 14-01-2024
Day 1
by Octavia
Dear Notebook,

Here another update from me. It was an existing day today! But first some backstory, since I'm not sure if I told this already. Our water basin got contaminated. I'm not sure if it's the Rot or not, but it looks a bit green or blue, which is not good. Lincoln decided it was time to do something about it 14 days ago. He send Ruby, Ava, Finley and Felix out in search of the Pure Plant. That's the place that was mentioned in old writings, it would have an endless supply of clean water.

So yeah, I miss seeing Ruby, and the worst thing is, they are still not back! While we would've expect them for sure now to be back. I'm a bit worried... And apparently I'm not the only one. This morning Lincoln asked me to join a group he is setting up to go look for them. It includes Tesla! And also Rianna, Bolt, Garrett and Flux (and then you get Finn for free).

Well, I didn't say no, so here I am in the middle of the Zone! We did see some awesome things today. Let me explain by this map on which I'm keeping track of everything. K-16 is the sector where the Ark is. First we went to sector J-17, which is to the North-West.

Tesla quickly found the way through this sector, she even found some grub! While it looked contaminated I'll have a look later at it, maybe we can make it work.
In the middle of the sector there was this big stone building, like an ancient spire with a sharp point! Inside there where rotten wooden benches and a lot of rubble. There also was a cross with a half-naked ancient on it, right behind a big table. Let me draw it.

I heard about places like this. It is where the Ancient one talked with their boss in the sky!

Tesla wanted to go into the spire to get a good view of the surroundings which I thought weas a great idea! It would really help us find the safest way through the Zone. The others joined her except Finn. Bolt tried to join them but didn't manage to climb up there. So he started to gather scraps around here. He did found some weird yellow metal and some mechanic that could move. So nothing really interesting.

It was a few minutes later that I found a book! It was a big book with again that half-naked man on the cover. Was he the boss in the sky? But why on a cross then. It didn't make sense at all. Inside the book there were letters I recognized, but the words didn't make sense. Let me show you what it started with: "In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram". Makes no sense, right?
Session 0Session 1Session 2Session 23

Updated on: 13:23