
From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 12:08, 19 March 2024 by Xavier (talk | contribs)

Glossary of NPC's, Location's, etc


PortraitNameRolePC RelationsGangMutationShort Description
AvaStalker Tesla protectLincolnWe need more people who know how to survive in the zone.
CarlaStalker ChairmanAmbushed by Tesla and Finn.
ConnerChronicler ElonaGot inspired by a Klansman book and started murdering people of color in the Ark.
ElonaBoss ElonaThe Bureaucrat, rules by referring to the rules and commandments of the Elder. Thinks that the People should do as they always have.
FelixDog Handler LincolnTogether with his dog they form a valuable addition to Lincoln's gang. Killed by a huge bird in the Zone.
FinleyEnforcer LincolnNever backs down from a fistfight with Harper's cronies.
KincadeGrunt Dead by axe in head.
Krin? LincolnFemale refugee from the The Tower
Latifa? ElonaDead by suicide (or did more happen?!).
LongshotHealer ElonaA healer in Elona's crew.
LutrellBoss Pure PlantLeader of the Pure-Ones, clad like a Zone-Ghoul, but way more eloquent speaking our language.
NyraChronicler ElonaConfidant of Elona
RebethEnforcer ChairmanPersonal guard of the Chairman
RubyFixer Octavia protectLincolnShe can always get what Octavia needs.
SabineStalker Bolt protectHuman MagnetInterested in Bolt's creations, but keeps on breaking them.
SilasChronicler Octavia hateHarperTells lies, but the People love listening to him.
TankDog LincolnHis boss Felix died. For now he is following Lincoln.
TyrellEnforcer LincolnBest friend of Garrett. Only recently joined Lincolns gang.
WyattSlave Lincoln protectHarperWas the protégé of Sarah. Needs to be freed from Boss Harper.

This table was last refreshed on 16 July 2024, at: 10:29.


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