2 - The full Carnival experience
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
To the left of the PA
On our way tot he teapot we encounter the walking tree again, now with silver streamers along its branches. Sycamore seeds are floating to the ground and some even manage to catch one. A squirrel is handing out dandelions, stating you can make a wish. I take a deep breath almost choking on the pappus I inhale.
Seven goblins sit around the teapot drinking tea. There's some kind of riddle "What you want to say, say it another way". No idea what to say I just call out "Bubbles!!", inspired by all the floating bubbles around here. We enter the teapot and leave it again in a bubble via its spout. I cartwheel in my bubble having tons of fun. This carnival is turning out to be quite enjoyable. I must make sure to make the most of it. It's not like we find this place that often... Dhanell manages to steer his bubble towards the staff area, but encounter a bramble wall on his way there.
My bubble pops close to a lily pond, where you can go on a dragonfly ride. But first time to get some drinks! We enter the Feasting Orchards where there are several stalls serving drinks and food and music can be heard all around. Frostbite stocks up on cookies, but I'm drawn to a stall where there's a big "Custard Pie eating contents" sign. Remembering my glorious hot-dog eating contest win once upon a time I decide to enter. Frostbite also joins in. Dhanell takes care of some trash talk to my opponents stating I'll definitely be the winner! I grab an additional drink to wash down the custard pies. These pies are certainly not like hot dogs and after seven of them I pass out. As I wake up again after a tap on my shoulder, I see Frostbite has achieved to win with an insane amount of pies eaten. I guess the songs of encouragement played by Maeve helped him out. Great work, and I think I occasionally notice a smirk on his face. I learn there will be another contest in an hour. I might be back to get my revenge :).
On to the next activity, but not before I get another few drinks, I got two hands after all. We pass a tent where you can do a stare down against a cyclops. Ashira is up for the challenge and manage to win! She receives a nice bottle of wine which, when opened, plays nice music. She shares the win with the group. I start to feel a slight buzz. This carnival vibe is growing on me!
Back to the dragonflies for a ride. When we get there, there's a dwarf dangling from the straps which are meant to keep you from falling of. We quickly jump along the stepping stones in the pond and free him from his predicament. As we help the dwarf I think I notice the music all over the carnival just turned just a tad more jolly. Or is that my buzz? We all mount a dragonfly and strap in. Flying around Maeve notices a shady type hiding somewhere between some tents. She steers towards him and jumps of. She tells him there's no way to escape and he asks here what she wants of him. As we hear Maeve calling out to him, we all dismount and join her.
It turns out the shady figure is a shapeshifting Kenku who's also trying to find a way into the Feywild, but he's going at it all wrong by trying to mess up the carnival as he doesn't get to speak to either Witch or Light. He's also looking for Zybilna who could be found in Prismeer somewhere he thinks. We agree that he will keep calm and not create more havoc at least until the Big Top festival, so we can try to get into a conversation with the carnival owners in a proper way.
As I want Ashira to look as joyful as she feels I look for a face painting stall. I ask them to paint a nice joker grin, which turns out really awesome. Maeve uses some illusion to show a mirror image of what Ashira is looking like now and I think I've done well.
The next booth we visit is a guessing game, where you have to guess the number of feathers on a Cockatrice. Dhanell does an awesome job guessing it exactly right on his third attempt, winning a nice fluffy stuffed spider. Even knowing the number he guessed, I fail horribly. But I'm enjoying all this nonetheless.
But I'm running out of holes to punch on my ticket, so its time to head back to the ticket booth. There I put down the eight silver pieces, but they tell me Frostbite has already paid for a ticket. I might as well get two than. On the way back to the rest I grab another drink and join up with the rest at the entrance of the Minecart ride. I thank Frostbite, who looks a bit confused. A wizard dwarf with a pointy hat and clockwork eye called Zephixo tells us to look into his 'eye'. Then it's time to climb into a mine cart. After an omnious "Have Fun..." the cart crashed down into the dark depths of this thrill ride.
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 10:18