Zephyr Summerbreeze: Difference between revisions

From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
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Attack rolls against an affected creature or object have Advantage if the attacker can see it.
Attack rolls against an affected creature or object have Advantage if the attacker can see it.
{{#af_list: Right::Misty Step
|Conjuration (Archfey spells + Steps of the Fey, slot + Cha mod/long rest)
|Bonus Action
|Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
In addition, whenever you cast that spell, you can choose one of the following additional effects.
Refreshing step: Immediately after you teleport, you or one creature you can see within 10 feet of yourself gains 1d10 Temporary Hit Points.
Taunting step: Creatures within 5 feet of the space you left must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or have Disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.

Revision as of 14:59, 2 February 2025

{{CharacterSheet |### NOTE: The parameters here are case-sensitive #### |### NOTE: Printing is tested with Chrome and "Minimum marges" #### |### (Tracking Temporary Effects) #### |CurrentHp = |HitDiceSpend = |Xp = |DeathSaveSuccesses= 0 |DeathSaveFailures = 0 |HeroicInspiration = 0 |SpellSlotsUsed=array__^__WyIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiXQ==

|#### CHARACTER #### |Player = Matthijs |Name = Zephyr Summerbreeze |Background = Charlatan |Class = Warlock |Species = Fairy |Subclass = Archfey Patron |Alignment = Chaotic Good |LostFeature = Fashion sense

|#### Image works best with a +/- 1:1 (W:H) ratio, upload it to the wiki #### |Image = FairyWarlock.jpeg |Level = 3 |#### Enter the dice-number of your hit die here (so 6 for d6, 8 for d8, etc). |HitDie = 8 |#### Put MaxHp to 0 to autocalculate |MaxHp = 17 |Speed = 30 |Size = Small |#### ArmorClass without shield, setting UsesShield to 1 adds the shield to your base AC |ArmorClass = 13 |UsesShield = 0

|####Attributes#### |Str=8 |Dex=14 |Con=14 |Int=10 |Wis=12 |Cha=17

|####Saving Throw Proficiencis #### 0=base , 1 = proficient, 2 = expertise |StrProf=0 |DexProf=0 |ConProf=0 |IntProf=0 |WisProf=1 |ChaProf=1

|#### Skills #### #### 0=base , 1 = proficient, 2 = expertise, 0.5 = jack of all trades |Athletics =0 |Acrobatics =0 |SleightOfHand =1 |Stealth =1 |Arcana =1 |History =1 |Investigation =0 |Nature =0 |Religion =0 |AnimalHandling=0 |Insight =1 |Medicine =0 |Perception =0 |Survival =0 |Deception =1 |Intimidation =0 |Performance =0 |Persuasion =1

|#### Weapons & Cantrips #### (max 4) |Weapon1 = Sickle |Weapon1Ability = Str |Weapon1AttackOrDC = Attack |Weapon1Dmg = 1d4 |### Put to 1 to add ability dmg, 0 to not (offhand/spells sometimes don't add it) |Weapon1DmgAddAbility = 1 |Weapon1DmgType = Slash. |### MagicItemBonus is for +1/+2/+3 weapons (put in 0/1/2/3) |Weapon1MagicItemBonus = 0 |### MagicDmg is for for extra magic damage, for example +1d6 Fire |Weapon1MagicDmg = |### Notes is for additional remarks or weapon properties. |Weapon1Notes = |Weapon2 = Eldritch blast |Weapon2Ability = Cha |Weapon2AttackOrDC = Attack |Weapon2Dmg = 1d10 |Weapon2DmgAddAbility = 0 |Weapon2DmgType = Force |Weapon2MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon2MagicDmg = |Weapon2Notes = 120ft,V,S |Weapon3 = Dagger |Weapon3Ability = Dex |Weapon3AttackOrDC = Attack |Weapon3Dmg = 1d4 |Weapon3DmgAddAbility = 1 |Weapon3DmgType = Pierc. |Weapon3MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon3MagicDmg = |Weapon3Notes = |Weapon4 = |Weapon4Ability = |Weapon4AttackOrDC = |Weapon4Dmg = |Weapon4DmgAddAbility = 0 |Weapon4DmgType = |Weapon4MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon4MagicDmg = |Weapon4Notes =

|#### CUSTOM SECTIONS #### |#### There is a "GenericSections" parameter, which allows you to customize which sections you will see on which column (/page) |#### This is an array (#af_list) of arrays. Each array is a 'section' in the page. |#### This first element of that arrays has to look like this: |#### <column>::<title> |#### Where the <column> can be "Left", "Middle" or "Right" (CASE SENSITIVE!), and <title> is the header of that section |#### The next rows are the rows inside the section. You can use :: in the row to split between a title and description (useful for proficiencies, class features, species traits, feats, etc). |#### Or just type text for each row, or use * at the start to have bullets.

|GenericSections = array__^__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

|#### PAGE 2 (of char sheet) #### |#### Put to 1 to show this page |showPage2=1

|#### Put Spellcaster to it 0 to skip the spellcaster-related sections |Spellcaster=1 |SpellcastingAbility = Cha |#### Spell slots per level in order: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) #### |SpellSlots=array__^__WyIyIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiXQ==

|#### SPELLS/SECTIONS #### |#### This follows the same structure as previous GenericSectionsPage. |#### Again use "Left" (or Middle/Right) (CASE SENSITIVE!) and the title (spell name in case of spells) |#### For SPELLS, follow these as the next rows: |#### - Spell level (integer) |#### - School (add " (ritual)" at ends for rituals |#### - Casting time |#### - Range |#### - Components (put concentration like "Conc (1 hour)" to make it fit) |#### - Duration |#### - Description |#### NOTE: If the 2nd row (Spell level) is a number between 0-9, this will recognize it as a spell and use that template. Else it will just use the normal sections.

|GenericSectionsPage2 = ArrayFunctions (#af_list): Got an unexpected keyword argument showPage3.