
From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Revision as of 09:03, 27 February 2025 by Xavier (talk | contribs)
Type From Session Status Quest
Main Madryck 1 Get back our lost thing
Sub Dirla 2 Find Star. In session 12 we identified star as the pet cat of Will.
Sub Madryck, Kettlesteam, Witch and Light 1, 3, 4 Find out what happened to Zybilna. Imprisoned in her own palace in a kettle which can be opened by using the/an alicorn.
Sub N/A 3 Find missing children from the 12 posters. The first 2 have been seen in session 11. Another eight kids are imprisoned by Granny Nightshade as we learned in session 12. We freed 8 more children, but a few are still with Granny.
Sub Diana 4 Reverse human/horse merger
Sub Witch and Light 4 Deal with the coven / blackmailing hags
Sub Light 5 Find the alicorn and free the dormant queen at last. The alicorn is used in a unicorn suit by the Getaway Gang. We have the Alicorn.
Sub Wisps 6 Get revenge on Bavlorna for killing them.
Sub Sir Talavar 6 Done Open Sir Talavar's cage, Jingle Jangle the key collector can maybe help.
Sub Phooka 7 Guide him back to Thither to his candy shop. Candy shop is in Loomlurch.
Sub Jingle Jangle 7 Done Retrieve the stolen truffles from the brigands and enjoy them.
Sub Clapperclaw 10 Done Retrieve its deer skull head in exchange for guidance into Thither.
Sub Will 12 Free the children from Granny Nightshade. Partially done (8 out of 11?)
Sub N/A 12 Done Obtain the alicorn from Will, which they use as part of a unicorn costume to be able to obtain water from the Wayward lake