
From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Revision as of 17:26, 10 November 2024 by Jake (talk | contribs)

{{CharacterSheet |### NOTE: The parameters here are case-sensitive #### |### NOTE: Printing is tested with Chrome and "Minimum marges" #### |### (Tracking Temporary Effects) #### |CurrentHp = |HitDiceSpend = |Xp = .... |DeathSaveSuccesses= 0 |DeathSaveFailures = 0 |HeroicInspiration = 0 |SpellSlotsUsed=array__^__WyIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiXQ==

|#### CHARACTER #### |Player = Jake |Name = Maeve |Background = |Class = Bard |Species = Moon Elf |Subclass = College of Dance |Alignment = Chaotic Good |### Lost thing, specific for this campaign |LostFeature = Sense of Direction

|#### Image works best with a +/- 1:1 (W:H) ratio. If not the top part will be taken. Upload it to the wiki #### |Image = Maeve-recut.jpg |Level = 1 |#### Enter the dice-number of your hit die here (so 6 for d6, 8 for d8, etc). |HitDie = 8 |#### Put MaxHp to 0 to autocalculate |MaxHp = 0 |Speed = 30 |Size = Medium |#### ArmorClass without shield, setting UsesShield to 1 adds the shield to your base AC |ArmorClass = 10 |UsesShield = 0

|####Attributes#### |Str=10 |Dex=10 |Con=10 |Int=10 |Wis=10 |Cha=10

|####Saving Throw Proficiencies #### 0=base , 1 = proficient, 2 = expertise |StrProf=0 |DexProf=1 |ConProf=0 |IntProf=0 |WisProf=0 |ChaProf=1

|#### Skills #### #### 0=base , 1 = proficient, 2 = expertise, 0.5 = jack of all trades |Athletics =0 |Acrobatics =0 |SleightOfHand =0 |Stealth =0 |Arcana =0 |History =0 |Investigation =0 |Nature =0 |Religion =0 |AnimalHandling=0 |Insight =0 |Medicine =0 |Perception =0 |Survival =0 |Deception =0 |Intimidation =0 |Performance =0 |Persuasion =0

|#### Weapons & Cantrips #### (max 4) |Weapon1 = Example Weapon |Weapon1Ability = Str |Weapon1AttackOrDC = Attack |Weapon1Dmg = 1d1 |### Put to 1 to add ability dmg, 0 to not (offhand/spells sometimes don't add it) |Weapon1DmgAddAbility = 1 |Weapon1DmgType = Pierc. |### MagicItemBonus is for +1/+2/+3 weapons (put in 0/1/2/3) |Weapon1MagicItemBonus = 0 |### MagicDmg is for for extra magic damage, for example +1d6 Fire |Weapon1MagicDmg = |### Notes is for additional remarks or weapon properties. |Weapon1Notes = |Weapon2 = Example DC Cantrip |Weapon2Ability = Int |Weapon2AttackOrDC = DC |Weapon2Dmg = 1d1 |Weapon2DmgAddAbility = 0 |Weapon2DmgType = Fire |Weapon2MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon2MagicDmg = |Weapon2Notes = |Weapon3 = |Weapon3Ability = |Weapon3AttackOrDC = |Weapon3Dmg = |Weapon3DmgAddAbility = 0 |Weapon3DmgType = |Weapon3MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon3MagicDmg = |Weapon3Notes = |Weapon4 = |Weapon4Ability = |Weapon4AttackOrDC = |Weapon4Dmg = |Weapon4DmgAddAbility = 0 |Weapon4DmgType = |Weapon4MagicItemBonus = 0 |Weapon4MagicDmg = |Weapon4Notes =

|#### CUSTOM SECTIONS #### |#### There is a "GenericSections" parameter, which allows you to customize which sections you will see on which column (/page) |#### This is an array (#af_list) of arrays. Each array is a 'section' in the page. |#### This first element of that arrays has to look like this: |#### <column>::<title> |#### Where the <column> can be "Left", "Middle" or "Right" (CASE SENSITIVE!), and <title> is the header of that section |#### The next rows are the rows inside the section. You can use :: in the row to split between a title and description (useful for proficiencies, class features, species traits, feats, etc). |#### Or just type text for each row, or use * at the start to have bullets.

|GenericSections = array__^__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

|#### PAGE 2 (of char sheet) #### |#### Put to 1 to show this page |showPage2=1

|#### Put Spellcaster to it 0 to skip the spellcaster-related sections |Spellcaster=1 |SpellcastingAbility = Int |#### Spell slots per level in order: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) #### |SpellSlots=array__^__WyIxIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiLCIwIiwiMCIsIjAiXQ==

|#### SPELLS/SECTIONS #### |#### This follows the same structure as previous GenericSectionsPage. |#### Again use "Left" (or Middle/Right) (CASE SENSITIVE!) and the title (spell name in case of spells) |#### For SPELLS, follow these as the next rows: |#### - Spell level (integer) |#### - School (add " (ritual)" at ends for rituals |#### - Casting time |#### - Range |#### - Components (put concentration like "Conc (1 hour)" to make it fit) |#### - Duration |#### - Description |#### NOTE: If the 2nd row (Spell level) is a number between 0-9, this will recognize it as a spell and use that template. Else it will just use the normal sections.