13 - Let's free the Pure-Ones!
Session 0 | Session 12 | Session 13 | Session 14 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Or die trying?
I wasn't sure what to think of this whole situation... There was this crazy Chairman, women with guns, captured Pure-Ones ready to be eaten, and men that were handled as slaves... And of course the situation at our Ark where we had to go quickly, since Ruby could be in danger!
But Lincoln came with a plan. First Tesla, Finn and Ava were going to scout the basement. A few minutes after they left Ava returned. She had distracted the guard such that Tesla and Finn could enter the basement.
I kept looking outside. There was the big beam of light at the entrance. It wasn't as bright as during the day, and at certain moment completely dark for a minute.

Then we heard a gunshot! Lincoln ran downstairs... It was Flux that got shot by a guard! I removed the bullet and bandaged him, poor dog... Tesla and Finn who also returned told us about the basement. There were 8 cages. Most with men and one with Pure-Ones. Some men had to push a big wooden wheel around, and when they collapsed from fatigue and the wheel stopped, the lights went out! There were also 2 doors, but they were not able to reach them without being seen.
Then it was time for the second part of the plan. Lincoln, his crew and Rianna would go up all those stairs to the Chairman and take care of him. We would wait a bit and then go downstairs to the basement, to free the men and Pure-Ones.
We went into the basement with Bolt dragging her body. He then held the body in front of the doorway to the basement room. We heard a "Who is there?". Tesla took cover behind the body and shot an arrow! A gunshot was fired back which landed in the body. Finn, who took the shotgun from the first guard, shot the other guard dead.
We entered the basement. It was dark with only one small flickering light. I went towards the cage with the Pure-Ones. It was locked. I told them Lutrell send us to free them. They were happy about that, but also told me 2 of them were already taken through one of the doors. I looked behind it and it was like a nightmare (and that's coming from someone who often has to cut open body parts). It smelled awful, bodies were hanging on the ceiling on hooks and dried blood everywhere! It was clear there was nobody alive here so I quickly closed the door again... I wasn't even sure anymore if it were Pure-Ones, Zone-Ghouls or other humans... but probably all of them... These woman were crazy! Who does something like that!I wonder how it went in then "Penthouse"... how long till they were downstairs again? Would we survive this? I already started looking for a safe place to hide inside that vehicle...

Session 0 | Session 12 | Session 13 | Session 14 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Updated on: 23:50