14 - Day 14

From Mutant Year Zero
Session 0Session 13Session 14Session 15Session 31

We escaped with the Pure-Ones

Played on 21-04-2024
Day 14
by Lincoln

We hurry down the stairs, hoping that the rest of our crew downstairs have made good progress setting up an escape plan. As we're nearing ground level, two women come rushing up the stairs. One continues up, while the second remains with us. Rianna tackles here and I hit her over the head with my bat. Now that she's unconscious, Garrett picks her up, while Ava grabs her gun.

Meanwhile Bolt is loading everything he can get his hands on in the armored vehicle. Tesla brings some of the men they helped escape, and Octavia is leading the Pure-Ones towards our ride. Finn also gets onto the vehicle and mounts the scrap cannon.

Garrett drops the woman in one of the cages and we lead the men towards the vehicle. Meanwhile I slash the tires of the second vehicle to avoid them pursuing us with it.

Tesla also climb on top of the ride and is shooting fire with the frontal weapon. A guardswoman who appears on the ramp is burned to a crisp. Ava quickly shoots her to put her out of her misery.

Bolt meanwhile has figured out the basics how to drive this thing and rides up the ramp. He explains to Rianna how it is operated, as we also need someone who can take care of the other vehicle which is used as the gat door. While Rianna Is driving in circles in front of the building. Tesla is shooting everywhere with her flame cannon. Bolt guarded by a few of us runs towards the gate vehicle and manages to open the gate.

We all quickly get into our ride again, where Octavia has now taken the wheel, while Rianna is still handling the pedals. AS soon as we're in the clear, Bolt take the wheel again and drives us to safety, quickly heading home to the west. Rianna checks on the former prisoners.

At first light in the morning, we have breakfast close to the river. Some people consider it a good idea to waste a bunch of grub on all the people we've taken from the compound. It's not like they're starving, so what's the use?! We follow the river downstream in our vehicle trying to find our floating device again to get across to the Ark. When we reach the spot where we expect to find it, it's no longer there. I try to wade through the river but somehow I fail. frustrated about how this journey back has been going a stomp along the riverbank, until all of a sudden I see something lodged behind a tree trunk in the river. As I get closed it turns out to be our raft!

Session 0Session 13Session 14Session 15Session 31

Updated on: 03:34