14 - We escaped!

From Mutant Year Zero
(Redirected from 14 - We escaped)
Session 0Session 13Session 14Session 15Session 31

And now quickly back to the Ark!

Played on 21-04-2024
Day 14
by Octavia
Dearest Notebook,

When me and the 8 Pure-Ones entered the room with the busses (that's what Krin called the vehicles), Tesla was grabbing trinkets and tools from the shelves and putting them on the bus, while Bolt found a way into it and was trying to get the bus door to open.

A few minutes later the bus door opened, but Bolt closed it again and told us to wait outside until he turned the bus on. Tesla and Finn were climbing on top of the bus to use the cannons. I myself went back to the previous room to free the men at the big wheel.

At the same time Rianna, Lincoln and the others arrived in the basement. Krin was with them. And while cutting the ropes from the men at the wheel there was suddenly a big flash of light coming from the bus room! It was follow by a screaming woman. What happened there?

We quickly went there. The bus started making noise and the door was open. I made sure all Pure-Ones and freed men entered it and looked for a safe place to hide.

The bus started moving up the ramp and there were shots, light flashes, fire! It was a chaos, and very scary... But I noticed Rianna took over the wheel such that Bolt and Lincoln could try to get the gate open. But she was struggling... I gathered all tehe courage I could find and decided to help her. We couldn't crash into a wall here, that would mean we would all die! I told Rianna to keep pushing the pedal with her feet while I grabbed the wheel.
Then suddenly I saw a small figure in front of the bus! I quickly steered to avoid it at all cost! I was not planning to kill innocent children here! The shooting continued and it looked like our bus was breathing fire, which was scary, but it helped to keep the women away.

The gate was now open and I steered through it! Bolt and Lincoln could barely jump on the bus and I steered towards the North until we were out of sight of the Tower. Then me and Rianna let Bolt take over the driving again.

We rode until the sun came up. During breakfast me, Rianna and Tesla shared all our grub and water with the Pure-Ones and the men. I don't think the others were going to share, but we had enough such that at least everyone got something to eat.

But where to now? I suggested the Pure Plant, since from there we could drive further to the Ark. But Lincoln was afraid that would take too long. We needed to hurry to the Ark. Which was a good point, we had to safe Ruby quickly!

So the plan was made to drive towards the raft. There we would split into a raft and a bus group. We would follow to river until we were close to the Ark. There we could use the raft to let everyone cross the river, and hide the bus.
Before we left again Bolt put on his yellow rot suit. I guess it made sense, we had to cross that heavy rot area again to reach the river.

An hour or so later we arrived at the place were we left our raft, but it was gone! Did the water raise and take it? Lincoln started to walk to see if he could cross the river. But halfway he turned back, and he walked past the bus! Further south. It wasn't clear what was in his mind, but we followed him with the bus. A few hundred meters further he walked towards the river again, and there was the raft!

So now quickly to the Ark, and make sure Ruby is fine! <3

Lot of love,

Session 0Session 13Session 14Session 15Session 31

Updated on: 23:29