22 - Day 28-30
Session 0 | Session 21 | Session 22 | Session 23 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Octavia |
We've got a lot of tech catch up to do
Together with Tesla I go to Garrett to explain what has just happened tonight. This doesn't relieve the hurt of losing his best friend, but at least he knows he's not to blame. Afterwards I take Octavia along to Elona. She brings along the book to explain why Conner acted the way he did. Elona agrees this explains the strange deaths lately. And she also agrees we need to spread this news to avoid people attempting to lynch Garrett.
When I get back to my room, there are a few of Harpers men who are here to deliver Wyatt. I'm so incredibly glad to see him again, all in one piece. He explains he's been treated alright, apart from the fact that he was locked up.
The next morning we all prepare to bring Harper to the tower to get him instated as the new ruler there. I ask Garrett to take charge of guarding our Ark, to keep his mind occupied. He's glad this will give him something to do. I really want a gearhead along to figure out all the tech stuff in the tower and how we could benefit from that. So I ask Max along, as Bolt wants to remain at home to work on his projects. Max consults him about how to drive the cabrius (cabrio bus) and we get on our way, together with Harper and his entire gang, who will join him in the tower.
We make a quick stop at Lutrell to inform him about the upcoming change of power in the tower, and to thank him for the pigs.
When we reach the tower, we show Harper around. The women who had stayed behind are small in number and limited in power so they quickly subdue to him as if they accept him as the new Chairman. In the chairmans office we quickly grab the map which, according to Octavia does include some of the coordinates mentioned by the sound device.
Once Harper's settled in, Max and me do some research on all the tech in the tower. We discuss the power generating wheel and ponder how this could be turned without the use of men. Perhaps a wheel in the river, or putting part of a vehicle on its side to drive the wheel, could work. I'll leave it up to Max to ponder up and design options and discuss them with Bolt. We also find some tech trinkets which we take along. Meanwhile Octavia is researching the zone ghouls in the food storage room. She learns that they are really, really similar to humans and especially Pure-Ones.
The next day we head back home where we arrive just after lunchtime. And shortly after our arrival there's a yell from the watchtower. Something's rapidly approaching over the water. Tesla uses the telescopic brass tubes to check out what's approaching us. It appears to be a water vehicle just a bit larger than ours, but going at way greater speed than we can achieve. There are five people on board. There's a logo on the side with some text beneath it. Octavia cane make out it states "Noatun".
As they approach they slow down and land on our beach. What we now notice is that all five people look identical, not just their uniforms but also their faces. Just the hairdo is different for one of them. Finn and Tesla greet them, waving at them. They approach us with their hands held high and ask us who our leader is. I step forward and identify as such. One of them introduces himself as Farzad 17 and then introduces the rest of them as Farzad 9, 23, 25 and 29.
Then he goes on to explain that they're in dire need of help. They barely escaped from the clutches of Xerxes. To continue the discussion I invite them to go inside, but request that they leave their weapons with us. They'd rather store the guns in the boat though, but that's ok as well for me. These aren't the scrap guns we're used to! Bolt also remains at their boat together with Farzad 9 who'll "guard" it, mostly disallowing Bolt to open any hatches or dismantle the boat in another way.
Once inside, they explain they come from a group or corporation called Noatun. They were all born in the past two to three years in underwater cities where all Farzad come from. From these cities they're are transported to the surface where they have to work on oil rigs in service of Xerxes. It is a battery-powered droid in charge of the oil rigs. He recently started acting out of control as his supply of new Farzad seem to have dried up. Usually a vessel carrying new ones came along a few times per year, but it has gone silent for a long time now. Beside Farzad working on the rigs, also scientists and doctors live there.
The Farzad are now looking for help from us defeating Xerxes. In exchange they offer a fuel trade, as fuel is the stuff the produce on the rigs. They also offer to help us build a water vehicle which is way faster than ours to go to the rigs.
Session 0 | Session 21 | Session 22 | Session 23 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Octavia |
Updated on: 15:29