26 - First Aid Manual

From Mutant Year Zero
Session 0Session 25Session 26Session 27Session 31

And we saw a younger Elder!

Played on 25-08-2024
Day 32-36
by Octavia
Hi trusty Notebook!

Rianna and Collin were going to get Bolt. And while the others were talking to Xerxes I was looking at this "library". But I couldn't find any book that could help me get closer to curing the Rot. It was all stories from the past, still very interesting, but not what I was looking for now. When I asked Xerxes about it he suggested that I would ask Sadek about that.

Also we wouldn't get his boat as a reward, but Xerxes could arrange another small boat for us. Lincoln was negotiating about helping Xerxes with their enemies and get "oil" as reward. I suggested food, since if their supply boat wouldn't come anymore, they would need that. Xerxes agreed that they would need food in 1-2 months if no supply boat would arrive, and that they would have too many oil by then. So a trade proposal was made.

While the others were going to help preparing the boat, I was going to check up with Sadek. It seems he was preparing to remove the leg of the Farzad. I suggested that I could help, but he disagreed. Something about me being not clean enough and causing infections... I was allowed to look from behind a glass window, so I accepted it.

What he did was weird and amazing. It was all so clean, and he worked very methodical. I think he even used some device to burn the wound so it would stop bleeding, cauterizing he called it...
I asked him tons of questions afterwards, I could learn a lot from this! But after a few question it seems he wasn't impressed by my knowledge and suggestions, and gave me a book.

It was called "First Aid Manual". It was amazing! It explained what you needed to do when someone got wounded. This could really help me in the future and I was going to read it a lot! But there were also things not explained, like how to cut off a leg like Sadek just did. This book mostly stopped with sentences like "has to be treated at the hospital" or "call 112". Not sure what they meant with that last one... Also it didn't mention the Rot...

I walked back to the boat with the book open, still reading it, and we left. It was a little later, while I was still reading when I heard some commotion. There was one of these flying devices going after us! It caught up with us and a loud voice asked "Who are you?", "Are you Noatun?", "From which major power are you?". Tesla answered the question, and seems she did that correct, since they left. They still said something about mutants and remains while flying away.

Time to go back to the Ark! We went past the floating island, were we saw that the people had darker skins, it were tens of people at least, some were in boats with a wooden stick above the water, and even 1 person with wings was seen!
We continued to the Ark, were the temple was almost finished! In the evening Tesla and me were looking at the device with the moving images again. It was then when i noticed it, it was not easy to see, but on the background it was... The Elder! Yes, it was him, a lot younger then we know him, but it was him for sure! One of the persons in the Rot suits.

Tesla had the amazing idea to put the device at the temple to show everyone were we came from. We showed it to Elona and she recognised the small child in The Elders arms. It was herself! I couldn't agree or deny it... it was hard to know for sure, but it made Elona very happy, and she agreed on the idea for the temple!

The next days we also talked to Yelena. She was doing well, becoming part of the Ark, and learning our language. We learned that the flying devices were "helicopters". And she was surprised that Elysium still had helicopters. Also we learned about "rakjete", apparently devices which Mimir used to go to their homes with the stars.

And of course every day I spend a morning to learn people that were interested reading & writing. Even Bolt, while very busy with his armored vehicle, was there often!

Lovely Hugs,

Session 0Session 25Session 26Session 27Session 31

Updated on: 15:35