3 - Day 2-3

From Mutant Year Zero
Session 0Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 31

First gang member found †

Played on 28-01-2024
Day 2-3
by Lincoln

We continue following the dog tracks in the direction where we hear the dog barking. We walk along a round basin filled with filthy green, brown liquid. There's a small sign next to it with a skull and crossed bones. This look like a warning sign, so better avoid the liquid inside the basin. Then I see a shadow in the mist which is about dog sized, so I yell "Tank, get over here!". The shadow emerges from the mist and indeed turns out to be Felix' trusty canine.

He jumps up at me and than runs of again barking at us, as if we should follow him. We do, and find him barking up the giant concrete tower. A rusty metal goes up along the side of the tower. Rianna and Tesla take out a rope and start climbing up the tower. halfway through, there's a big hole in the tower, where they use Riana's lamp to check the the inside of the tower. They notice that there are no floors and the tower continues deep into the ground.

They continue towards the top where there's a platform all around the tower. On top of the top they now can reach a huge nest. As I feared when we saw the track disappearing, there might be some huge bird around here. Better be careful! AS they search the nest, they find the fresh corpse of Felix along another corpse which is just a bundle of bones in a blue coverall. Tesla find a small notebook in one coverall pockets.

I ask them to drag Felix' corpse out of the nest to get him down. As they drop him, they hear screeching in the distance. I quickly drag the corpse inside the building where Bolt is playing around with all kinds of meters, buttons and trinkets which can be found here. The screech resembles the sound a huge bird would make. So they both quickly make way down again. Out of the mist indeed a huge bird appears sheering past them attempting to grab them with its huge talons. This urges them to go even faster and they use the rope to abseil the remaining bit.

Luckily they both manage to get down alive. As Rianna doesn;t want to leave without her rope I try to defend her against any other incoming swoop. Unfortunately I fail to hit the bird and it connects with Rianna, hurting her quite a bit. Then we hear a breaking, crashing sound and we quickly dodge out of the way of the top of the tower which comes crashing down. Rianna quickly grabs her rope and we storm inside to avoid any other attack by the bird.

We're glad to hear the bird flying off into the distance so we can recover. We search Felix' corpse and take his resources and weapon. Tesla and Octavia have a look at the notebook, which contains a lot of pages which are no longer readable. One page however is and Octavia dives in immediately. Bolt meanwhile is still fiddling around with all the stuff in the building, turning a huge wheel. This appears to cause a continuous sound we hear to speed up "Clunk Clunk". The needle of one of the meters, which appears to still be working moves somewhat and eventually when the sound is at its loudest is in the red. This this bode well? Bolt turns the wheel again to its original position, which slows down the "Clunk" again.

We prepare for the night and set up our schedule again. I switch with Octavia, so I get the last shift. I take Felix' corpse outside, and fall asleep beside it together with his dog. During Bolt's round, he hears some noise outside, beside me snoring. There's a small humanoid standing near our building saying: "Is anyone there?" in a childish voice. It's dressed like a zone ghoul which scares the crap out of Bolt, and he runs back inside the building, yelling: "Zone Ghoul!!". We all awaken just in time to see the humanoid vanishing into the mist in the direction of the biggest building on the island. Tesla considers it kinda weird that a zone ghoul would be able to communicate the way it did. But we'll see tomorrow what to do about it. Octavia during her shift makes a round outside to check for more zone ghouls. She doesn't encounter any, but what she does notice is some light behind one of the windows of the large building.

During my shift, Tank and me have breakfast from the corpse of Felix to get closure with the fact that he's really dead. I build a funeral pyre from the remains of the nest which came crashing down and put the corpse on top. We'll have a small service when everybody's awake.

After everybody's awake, ready and we had the service we continue on towards the big building. Bolt wants us to open a grate here first. But we have more pressing matters and get back to this later on. Looking at the building I see a shadow moving behind the window. It looks close to the window where Octavia saw the light. I'm curious if it's the remainder of my gang or if we will find something else. I'm glad to learn that zone ghouls don't use lights at least.

We reach the building and there's a big metal locked door blocking our way inside. I start to make way around the building, but Bolt calls me back as he's got a trick up his sleeves. He spits acid on the lock which quickly makes it melt away.

Session 0Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 31

Updated on: 12:13