User rights

From Mutant Year Zero
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Member of: RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, rpggroup, Administrators

Implicit member of: Autoconfirmed users

User rights log

  • 09:43, 5 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from DM_only, RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator (shortly added myself to the dm group as I was testing testing this on an image page, but then couldn't edit the page anymore)
  • 09:41, 5 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup, administrator and DM_only
  • 15:14, 4 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup, administrator and RPG_group_only
  • 15:09, 4 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from RPG_group_only, Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator
  • 15:07, 4 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to Skills, Talents, bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup, administrator and RPG_group_only
  • 15:01, 4 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup and administrator to bureaucrat, interface administrator, rpggroup, administrator, Skills and Talents
  • 00:38, 3 December 2023 Mark talk contribs changed group membership for Mark from bureaucrat, interface administrator and administrator to bureaucrat, interface administrator, administrator and rpggroup