3 - The Nest

From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 22:17, 29 January 2024 by Xavier (talk | contribs)
Session 0Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 23

The bird that ate Felix

Played on 28-01-2024
Day 2-3
by Octavia
Sweet Notebook,

Let's continue. Flux was following the dog tracks. They went passed a huge round pool with green and dirty water in it (so far no endless supply of clean water...).

Huge pipes ended above the pool, and from one of them more dirty water flowed into the pool. There was a sign with a skull next to the pool. It looked handmade and like it didn't fit with the rest of this area.

We continued towards the huge tower when Flux suddenly stopped! There was a creature in the fog. Lincoln yelled "Tank!" and the creature ran towards us. It was Tank, Felix' dog! He clearly wanted us to follow him and started to jump against the huge tower. What was up there? Felix? Maybe even Ruby?

The tower had no entrance, but there was a ladder attached to the side. Rianna and Tesla started to climb it. They are so brave, climbing on that old ladder on that high tower!

In the meanwhile Bolt couldn't wait for even a minute and started to wander around looking for scrap. That could be dangerous so I tried to stop him, but I failed. I'm afraid that someday it will get him killed... He entered the building next to the dirty pool.

I looked back up, but it was hard to see Rianna and Tesla. It took ages, what were they doing? They were yelling to us that they found Felix in some kind of nest? But he was... dead...
Lincoln told them to get him down, so they threw him from the tower. We cleared the area and it landed with a loud thud.

Not long after we heard a screech in the distance. Something was coming... I quickly took cover in the same building Bolt was in. Inside there were loud noises and Bolt was pushing buttons and turning a big wheel. What was he doing? I told him to stop and that Rianna was in danger. But he was not easily distracted and told me Rianna could take care of herself.

Lincoln joined us dragging Felix' corpse. Another screech from outside! Luckily we saw Tesla and Rianna sliding down the rope. Tesla quickly took cover but Rianna stayed outside pulling on the rope. Suddenly the rope was coming to her, together with half the tower and the nest! She could barely jump aside in time!

She tried to loosen the rope, it was very important to her!

A huge bird attacked her and scratched her with his claws. Then Rianna managed to get the rope loose and took cover with us inside. We waited until it was quiet again and I bandaged Rianna's wounds.

Inside the building there was a huge metal grille in the floor. Beneath it was where the noise came from. Bolt and Lincoln wanted to open it but failed. Then the amazing Tesla remembered that she found a small blue notebook in the bird's nest. She brought it as a gift for me!
Most of the notes in it were unreadable because of the rain but I found one page that was not ruined.
It was written in blue, that must've been a special pencil! The person writing it:
  • Left the Ark and was going back to Eden! (Yes, Eden, from the stories!)
  • Was being chased by Zone-Ghouls.
  • Was looking for a lookout point.
  • Was missing its children?! Was it an Ancient? An Ancient that left the Ark? This must be from long ago!
  • The Zone-Ghouls attacked her and stole a keycard to Eden. (What would that "keycard" be? A card with a picture of the key? A map?)
  • It also had this weird word "November" on it multiple times, each time with a number besides it: 14, 17, 18, 19.
  • At the top-right it mentioned MIMIR and a symbol. This was not ruined by the water and still readable on every page, and it looked exactly the same! Like the lines on my notebook!

After explaining this to the others, Tesla told me she found it in a blue suit that was found on the remains of a female ancient. The same symbol was on the suit, with the name "Mary" below it. So this must've been Mary's notes!

After that we divided Felix' belongings and went to sleep. Lincoln asked me if he could have the last watch during the night. Not sure why, but after he started dragging Felix outside I got an idea... Early breakfast for him! Good idea, no reason for us to see that again.
During the night I was rudely awakened by Bolt. He kept screaming "Zone-Ghouls!". Rianna stormed outside, but it turned out there was nothing to see. Bolt kept describing a small creature afraid of the light that was covered in cloth. He told us it was saying: "Is anyone there?" in a clear voice. Tesla was surprised since this was not how Zone-Ghouls "talked". So what could it have been?

I went back to sleep until I got woken by Garrett for my watch. He told me he saw light in a building behind the tower. I had a quick look and indeed, there was light! Tomorrow we should go investigate that! Could it be Ruby? I miss her more every day!

After my watch I went inside again. I didn't sleep much anymore. In the meanwhile Lincoln had gathered the wood from the nest was build a pyre with Felix on top. When all were awake he lit the fire. I decided to heat one of the cans of contaminated grub in it.

Afterwards I tried the grub. It tasted different warm, less Rot than expected, but there was still Rot, that was clear. Maybe next time I need to stir it or so, such that the heat spreads better... But I would need something to put it in...

Lincoln wanted to start opening the grille again and explore down there, but luckily I could convince him to go to the building. There was light, which could been his crew, including Ruby!! <3

We found a door to the building, but it was locked and couldn't be forced open. But it was no problem for Bolt his acid spit! We came into a big hall, and in the distance we saw some shadows dart away quickly...
Session 0Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 23

Updated on: 12:28