23 - So much water

From Mutant Year Zero
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And a big Kaboom!

Played on 03-07-2024
Day 30-31
by Octavia
Awesome Notebook!

We agreed that we would help the Farzads! This was terrifying and good news at the same time! It would be very dangerous, but we could learn a lot from this, and who knows, maybe learn more about the Rot and how to get rid of it!

But we did agree that they would help us build a water vehicle, which they called a "boat". We first went through the Ark in search of materials. And you never guess what we found... Harper's old room had something hanging on the ceiling, and the Farzads explained that it was a boat!?!

We took it down, and together with Bolt they fixed it such that it would not sink. The other problem was that we couldn't swim... At least most of us, Rianna demonstrated she already could swim... well, at least she wasn't sinking... But seems they didn't have a quick solution for the swimming, so I guess I shouldn't fall off the boat...

That evening me and Telsa were further investigating the map from the Tower. With some difficulties we could map it to our map indeed. But there was something about that 1965 number above it. I had seen numbers like that before...
Of course, Deadpool! That book about him had a number on the cover. I looked it up and indeed, 2055. A higher number... And in some old chronicles there was 2140... And I also had a look into The Elder's noted. Yes, they also had numbers.. 2280 and up to 2291.

It should be something about the time... And then Yelena pointed out that "now" was 2302. So what would they mean.. I guess it had to be years, that's the only thing that made sense. But that would mean that map was already 337 years old?!! That explained all the weird things we couldn't recognize! And also that 247 years ago there were already mutants like Deadpool!

The next morning we left with the boats. I was on the Farzads boat together with Telsa. The other boat was behind us being pulled with a rope. The journey went pretty smooth. The west side of the river had a lot of ruined buildings. After a few hours we saw a big wheel on the east side. Tesla noticed movement, and with her binoculars she saw Zone-Ghouls (or Pure-Ones) climbing the big wheel and jumping around in it.

Shortly after that the Farzads took a big circle around some kind of island. Apparently it was some kind of floating settlement which the Farzads rather avoid...

After a long day on the water we noticed the effect of the Rot. I asked a Farzad about the Rot on the water. He explained that Rot could 'float' around here, and sometimes be there and sometimes not. And he had a theory that if you saw a lot of fish swim away from a direction, that there would probably be Rot there... interesting...

Then we arrived at a big open water! We couldn't see anymore land in front of us, just water. But in the distance we did some things, which the Farzads explained were the oil rigs. But one of them was on fire! When we got closed we also saw 2 small boats coming from another oil rig. And then, from nowhere a huuuuge explosion! A big ball of fire came from the oil rig. Metal and other stuff was thrown through the air in all directions, and a big black cloud of smoke went up in the air.

I had never seen something like that... If there was anyone near that oil rig he wouldn't have survived... what could cause such a huge explosion... that not from just a bottle of booze... Maybe the stories were true, and there was a lot of that 'fuel' which they got from the ground below on that oil rig?

We tried to avoid being seen, but not soon after the 2 small boats came towards us. There were Farzads on them. When they were in talking distance I tried to convince them to join us against Xerxes. I told them they could be free of them. And while I almost convinced them in the end I didn't succeed...

Lot of love,


Updated on: 10:44