13 - Let's free the Pure-Ones!

From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 16:15, 16 April 2024 by Xavier (talk | contribs)
Session 0Session 12Session 13Session 14Session 23

Or die trying?

Played on 14-04-2024
Day 13-14
by Octavia
Sweet Notebook,

I wasn't sure what to think of this whole situation... There was this crazy Chairman, women with guns, captured Pure-Ones ready to be eaten, and men that were slaves... And of course the situation at our Ark where we had to go quickly, since Ruby could be in danger!

But Lincoln was starting to come with a plan for this night. First Tesla, Finn and Ava would try to scout the basement. After they left I was looking outside and worrying. But all should be fine, Tesla could take care of them, she had been in dangerous places before!

After some time Ava returned, she distracted the guard such that Tesla and Finn could enter the basement. I was still looking outside at the big beam of light at the entrance. It wasn't as bright as during the day, and at some moment it went out for a minute.

Then we heard a gunshot! Lincoln ran down the stairs while we waited... It was Flux that got shot! I removed the bullet and bandaged him, poor dog... Tesla and Flex told us what they saw. 7 cages with men and one with the Pure-Ones. There were men pushing a big wooden wheel around, and when it stopped the lights went out! There were also 2 doors, but they were not able to reach them without being seen.

Then it was part for the second part of the plan. Lincoln, his crew and Rianna would go up all those stairs to the Chairman and take care of him. We would wait a bit and then go downstairs to the basement, to free the men and Pure-Ones.

I was getting scared... they planned to kill the Chairman, and we would probably have to take out some women... They hoped we could reach those vehicles and Bolt could use them to get us out... But what when we would be outside? There was a wall with women with guns that would shoot at us! And the gate was blocked! Would this be our dead?

We all go down. Tesla shoots guard 2 arrows. Bolt keeps body before opening, shot. Who is there? Tesla shoots, Finn shoots, dead Talk to pure ones, lutrell send us. bolt spits open locks freen men, tell hem. I check door between cells, butchery! meat/people on hooks!

Lincoln, rianna + crew up to 25th get guard, . 2 hold chairman.

chairman i s shot, rebeth is thrown out of window with gun
Session 0Session 12Session 13Session 14Session 23

Updated on: 08:17