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The Goddess Faria

Goddess of Wisdom, Craftsmanship and Civilization
Symbol: Olive branch before a light flail
Home plane: Olympus
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Wisdom, Crafts, Civilization, War
Worshipers: Paladin, Fighers, Monks, Judges, Constables
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Artifice, Community, Good, Knowledge, Law, War
Favored Weapon: Light flail

The deity of noble combat, skilled craftwork, prudence and cities, Faria
appears as a statuesque woman with fetching gray eyes. She usually carries a
shield and wears helmet and armor. Because she is Pelor's favorite child, Pelor
lends Faria his shield, Aegis, from time to time.

#XXX change this
Faria is the daughter of Pelor alone, because no mother bore her. One day, Pelor
developed a terrible headache. To relieve it, ? used his axe to split
open the mighty god's head. Out sprang Faria, full grown and fully armed and

Faria was the first to teach mortals many of the civilized arts. She is
credited with inventing weaving, the potter's wheel, the horse bridle, and
many other crafts. She also created the olive tree as a gift to mortals. She
is the protector of weavers, and, along with ?, the patron of
handiwork and all the arts that make civilization possible.

Faria is warlike, but only in defense of things she believes are worth
protecting, such as cities, towns and planted fields. She opposes the
destructive rampages of her half brother, ?, whenever and however she can.


Faria expects her followers to uphold the highest ideals of wisdom, reason,
and purity. She expects her followers to fight in defense of home and state
against outside enemies, and to be skilled in the arts of peace as well as


Clerics of Faria fight against worshipers of Ares whenever they can and spend
the rest of their time protecting civilized lands from outside threats.
Faria's clerics are always active in civic life, serving as judges, advisors,
planners, and teachers. Her church is a great patron of the arts, sponsoring
both public works and individual painters, sculptor, and architects.

Temples to Faria are always stately and pleasant to look at. In less settled
areas where monsters or raiders are a threat. Faria's temples tend to be
fortified, but they are still built to be esthetically pleasing.


Deities: Faria
Granted Power: Gain +4 bonus on Craft checks. You cast conjuration (creation)
spells at +1 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation
domains cast conjuration [creation] spells at +3 caster level).

	1. Animate Rope
	2. Wood Shape
	3. Stone Shape
	4. Minor Creation
	5. Fabricate
	6. Major Creation
	7. Hardening *
	8. True Creation *
	9. Prismatic Sphere

	* == in Deities & Demigods


Deities: Faria
Granted Power: Use calm emotions as a spell-like ability once per day.
Gain a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks.

	1. Bless
	2. Shield Other
	3. Prayer
	4. Status
	5. Rary's Telepathic Bond
	6. Heroes' Feast
	7. Refuge
	8. Mass heal
	9. Miracle

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