This is a collection of the most important, interesting and
humorous links we could find regarding our hobby. Enjoy!
What is a roleplaying game (RPG)?
Major Publishers
Of course, these publishers do publish more than the one RPG
we mention here...
Likewise, these people did write and design more than the few books
we mention here.
- Phil Masters, author of
GURPS Discworld and The Swashbuckler's Handbook.
- Bruce Baugh,
author of Adventure!, developer of Nobilis 2nd Edition and Gamma World d20, etc. He also contributes to this group weblog: Rock Scissors Blog.
- Monte Cook, co-designer of
D&D 3rd Edition and Call Of Cthulhu d20.
- Matthew McFarland, developer of White Wolf's Dark Ages line. Has some neat "How to run Game X" essays on his page.
- Gamethink is a collaborative blog by many industry pros.
- Greg Stolze's homepage collects his thoughts on his work, that ranges from Over The Edge via Feng Shui and Unknown Armies to Meatbot Massacre.
Magazines & Other Supporting Sites
- Medieval
demographics made easy, so how many people are living
- RPG Blog provides RPG News, Reviews, and Analysis. Or so it says.
- RPGnet, chock-full with columns and
- Pen & Paper, complete with a massive RPG database.
- EN World, everything you ever wanted to know about d20-system products.
- Places To Go, People To Be, an
Australian magazine with many, many articles, amongst them A History of
- The Harrow RPG Archive by Dru Pagliassotti contains quite a few articles. Not as deep perhaps as some of RPGnet's offerings, but that can be seen as an advantage.
- The Wraith Project harbours a great many articles on Wraith: The Oblivion and is updated monthly. This site continues even as the line is officially discontinued and gives lots of interesting possibilities.
- Not sure where I should put The Blue Room, the homepage of author S. John Ross. He's got lots of goodies, including fonts, interesting articles on licensed RPGs and medieval demographics, and of course, the free Pokethulhu game!
- Kenneth Hite (esteemed RPG author for numerous publishers) recently moved his excellent Out Of The Box column of RPG reviews to Gaming Report. Which is an excellent news site by itself, come to think of it.
- The local RPG club has an attractive website and a corny name: The Knights Of The Kitchen Table
- Daedalus is a free e-zine, published by Matt Snyder from Chimera Creative and although there's only one issue yet, there's plenty of high-quality writing to be found here. Don't be put of by the subtitle, "Editorial workshop for the role-playing hobby".
- See Page XX is a relatively new column by Robin D. Laws, author of Feng Shui and HeroQuest.
- Andrew Rilstone's site is another one that is not easily categorized. But you should visit his, if only for his excellent, insightful reviews of books, RPGs and movies.
The History Of
d20 System Reference Documents
To learn more about the d20 system, the Open Gaming License and assorted stuff, check out Wizard of the Coast's d20 Home Page and The Open Gaming Foundation. Some direct links follow:
Fun RPG stuff
- The
RPG class test - which class would you have?
- Famous Last
Words. Exactly that :)
- RPG Cliches, by Jason Sartin. A bit in-crowd, a bit too cynical, but very insightful.
- Weird D&D monsters. From Displayer Beasts to Roper, D&D sure had some funny creatures.
- Irregular Webcomic! is just that :-) It has some really cool RPG influences, but loads of the jokes are funny even without RPG experience.
- 8 Bit D&D is cool Flash animation that shows us, briefly, how a RPG session can turn out...
- How to Survive Being A Character In A Pulp Movie contains useful advice from J. McGeary. (Thanks to Craig Oxbow for posting the link on the AEonAdventure Yahoogroup.)
- Goomi's Unspeakable Vault (Of Doom) brings Cthulhu and comics together.
- Real Men, Real Roleplayers, Lunatics and Munchkins. 'Nuff said.
- Many people have complained about the World Of Darkness meta-plot. It's a fertile ground for satire. Robert Kirkpatrick's post on is another excellent example.
- Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road, World Of Darkness-style.
- The Broken Wheel Of Time "because we know it sucks, and you do too." Personally, I like the Wheel Of Time novels... but this page is funny either way.
- The original My Hate Of d02 Know No Limit thread on RPGnet. A classic!
- Designing Your Team - the Scooby way! contains a kernel of wisdom.
- Order Of The Stick is a webcomic based on D&D 3(.5). Badly drawn, but that's kind of the point. Ooh, they got a banner, too!

Online Shops & Stores
Just some pointers. Some more pointers can be found in this thread on the RPGnet Forums.
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