11 - Another Ark?
With a chairman that can make children!
We set up camp in a large building next to the tower. Lincoln and his crew went hunting, and we stayed behind to keep an eye on the tower. First we watched from a higher floor so that we could look over the wall.
There were women walking around ordering the men around. The men worked in the cropland and walked around with buckets of water, which were filled through a pipe on the side of the building via a continuous stream of water. It was clear that the woman were in charge.
Then we moved to a spot close to the gate and waited... After a while, 3 women came out of the gate and headed North. Tesla and Finn followed them without being seen. Rianna, me and Bolt stayed watching the gate. As expected, it only took a moment before Bolt left us to search (s)crap again.
Later that afternoon we heard a noise that got louder and louder. After a few minutes we saw a large vehicle approaching at a running speed. It looked the same as the ones we had seen a few days ago in J-19, and it stopped in front of the gate.There were 9 women inside, but no sign of the Pure-Ones. There was something strange going on with one of the women, she had a very big belly, even though she was not fat... Was that a mutation? Or the Rot?
After another long wait we saw 2 of the 3 women return. One of them had a large package in the shape of a small person on her shoulders. Fortunately too small to be Finn or Tesla! But what happened to them, where was the last woman? And more important, where was Tesla?!
At the end of the day, after Lincoln and his crew returned, Finn arrived. He was carrying a rifle, but still no Tesla!?! Finn explained that she was in a building nearby because they had captured a woman named Carla. Finn recommended that our women go there to question her further, as she did not listen well to men. So Rianna and I went to them.Tesla had blindfolded and gagged Carla. We took her to a place a little further from the tower where we questioned her. This is what we learned:
- There are about 150 people living in the Tower.
- There is a boss called the Chairman, he is a man?!
- He is the boss because he can make children! Yes, children! Which are like small new people!
- We learned how they make children, and apparently the very big belly is a child growing inside that woman! Isn't that amazing! But why isn't that working for us?? What's so special about this Chairman?
- They see the Pure-Ones as Zone-Ghouls, and they eat Zone-Ghouls. So we have to save the Pure-Ones before they eat them!!!
- Men are called Givers, and are treated like slaves.
- If we want to try to free the Pure-Ones, we need to talk to the Chairman.
- They don't have the Rot inside, and when we go in we will have to wash ourselves.
- We are the first other people they encounter.
- They are mutants like us, but they can make children...
- The wall and guns are just to protect them against Zone-Ghouls, of which they have a lot during the night.
- She thinks it's safe for us and our men to enter the Tower.
That wasn't good! I'm sure Lincoln won't let that happen! But he has to be on the ark to stop it! And is Ruby safe? :'( We have to go back as soon as possible, she could be in danger!
But going back through the Zone at night is deadly, and if I'm dead I can't help Ruby... So we have to wait until tomorrow... Maybe we can spend the night in the Tower and see if we can get the Pure-Ones out before they eat them!?Updated on: 15:29