10 - A Big Tower

From Mutant Year Zero
Session 0Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 31

..and more people..

Played on 24-03-2024
Day 12-13
by Bolt

We left our home behind again. Another attempt to find things in the world that could help us survive. Though things we needed to survive were not only out there, but we needed things here as well. If there are more people out there we would need to make sure our people are defended as well. Our defenses needed to be finished, and I wouldn't be able to help when we were out there. And we still needed a better place to put our raft, we leave people behind which I have taught new things, but that place was not of as much importance as other things. Though I am not really convinced yet a museum would help us, where did that idea come from anyway?

Well on the bright side, we would be going out to investigate the people that were riding around in some kind of vehicle. One of those big things we saw on our last trip perhaps? With the knowledge about that It would be able to realise my dream! I had the two big wheels, those might help to get it moving. The fuel would help as well if I learned how to make it run. My hands itched to work on my vehicle, maybe with those wheels I could get it closer to our home and I would be able to work on it more safely. But today we had to leave first and help with the promise we made to the people from the Pure Plant.

On our way

This time our crew was a little bigger, Lincoln brought more of his people. Luckily some of them stayed on land to pull the raft, otherwise I'm not sure it would stay afloat with that many on it. We made our way to the island in the river we slept on earlier. It was not deep there and we could safely cross the river there. According to Tesla we would evade the place with the small buildings which didn't look quite right, the Rot would probably be worse there.

Though the route we took through bare country with burned down buildings wasn't much better. I made sure to wear my rot protection suit and was glad I did. I would have to make more for the others as well when we have time. This place was bad due to the Rot and we decided to make our way through as fast as possible without too much looking around.

After a long walk we came across a large area of dead trees, but those trees were enveloped by some kind of plant with colorful flowers. In a dreary landscape of broken down buildings and dead trees this was remarkable indeed. How can something so colorful and beautiful live in a world like this? Not something to be afraid of but it felt totally wrong! The wrongness didn't stop Finn from taking a closer look. But the moment he came close a puff of something dusty spread over him and he almost instantly dropped to the ground and did not move and he was grabbed by the plant with some kind of needled vine. It took all our combined effort to hack him loose from the plant and drag him to safety. We really didn't need to know this world was even worse than we already thought it was.

We made our way around the forest and past it by from the north, safely away from those plants.

A Tower
As we left the trees behind we made our way southeast and found twin tracks of some kind. Tracks of something big, something rolled by here. It must be the vehicle from those people!

After following the tracks for a while we saw something in the distance. A big tower of some kind. Was this the place we were going to? More buildings started to appear again and they were in a better state than what we've seen on this side of the river. It helped for cover and we moved safely towards the tower.

That thing is amazing! A huge tower with defenses around it. Tesla and Ava moved forwards to gather intelligence and quickly came back. They had multiple people walking on the gate and a big lamp used to shine from the gate to make sure no one walked up unnoticed. We can learn from this for our own home. But it would make things difficult getting inside and recover the people from the Pure Plant.

Session 0Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 31

Updated on: 15:45