21 - Day 27-28

From Mutant Year Zero
Revision as of 22:50, 24 June 2024 by Mark (talk | contribs)
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Did I just recover Wyatt and have Harper move away?

Played on 24-05-2024
Day 27-28
by Lincoln

That afternoon, Octavia and some others tend to all the wounded. All dead are gathered outside our walls and a huge pyre is setup to burn all the corpses. I guess we were really lucky, but it shows the world out there is a treacherous place and we really need to be prepared for another such event in the possible future. Weary but glad we came out alive, we all go to bed that night.

The next morning we're having a discussion what to do with the threat the remainder of the tower inhabitants pose. I propose to sent Harper there to take over leadership there and to restore it to its former glory apart from the enslaved men situation. This would provide us with a strong and technically well developed ally nearby and we'd be released of his presence in our own Ark. The others eventually reluctantly agree, explaining this could present a major threat in the future as he develops a complete army over there. I'm hoping we can build on a relationship which is mutually beneficial.

As I present this idea to Harper, he's immediately onboard, looking forward to leading his own Ark. He also proposes to celebrate this along with a celebration for our victory over the tower women. An awesome idea, the people need some positivity! This would also be a nice opportunity to inaugurate the new wrestling arena.

"Panem et Circenses"

The rest of the morning and early afternoon are spend on decorating the Ark for the festivities. Meanwhile all kinds of bets are organized by the fixers. This new concept means we can pay money to predict the outcome of the wrestling match. If you predict correctly, you get your money back with some extra. This gives me an idea. I take Harper to a secluded corner where I propose a wager; I'll bet fifteen bullets in exchange for him releasing Wyatt from captivity and he agrees. Let's make sure to keep this out of the books, as people have been killed for less. We decide to bet on the outcome of the first match which is between Rianna and Terron, who is part of Harpers gang.

That night when everybody is fed and has some booze the wrestling matches start. First up are Rianna and Terron. I start rallying the crowd to cheer Rianna on! As Terron takes of his jacket, it becomes clear he comes "prepared". As it runs out he has an additional pair of arms wich come in really handy... in a fight. He manages to defend against Riannas attacks. But then all of a sudden he looks somewhat confused, trips avoiding an attack and ends up on the floor. Rianna jumps on top of him and grapples him, immobilizing his lower set of arms with her knees and controlling the upper arms with her hands. Terron taps out; Rianna wins!! Does this actually mean that I'll be seeing Wyatt again?! Harper takes me aside and him being a man of his word, tells me he'll release him as agreed. We shake hands and in doing so I secretly pass him five bullets to show him my gratitude and hopefully prepare for a solid alliance with him, once he rules the tower.

The festivities continue and the evening is concluded with the poster-fight between Garrett and his best friend and recent addition to my gang: Name. They make a big show out of, exchanging blows. But in the end it is Garrett who manages to bring Name to the ground. The crowd goes wild for his victory but somehow he doesn't seem to notice. He continues to hold Name in a headlock until unexpectedly he grabs his head turns it breaking his neck in a snap. Everybody around the wrestling arena has heard this and looks in shock at what just happened. Even Garrett is now looking down in shock.

I think some weird powers are at play here, so before anyone has a chance to do something against Garrett I get him up, twist his arm behind his back and drag him towards our quarters. Under my breath I command him to cooperate before any more harm is done. As I pass Jack I order him to follow me. One in my quarters I tie up Garrett and tell him I'll get to the bottom of this. He's still in shock over what just happened so he's as gentle as a lamb, so I think he'll keep quiet. I tell Jack to guard the door, not just to avoid Garrett escaping, but more to avoid anyone wanting to get in to hurt him.

Meanwhile outside Tesla has a very good look at the crowd who were closest to where this all took place. He notices one person who's looking rather smug as compared to everyone looking around in shock. Conner is standing there, looking quite content with what just happened. As Tesla approaches him, he tells her "..."


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Updated on: 15:41