8 - Longscarf
Session 1 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 12 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite Frostbite2 | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
I'm the Monarch, respect my authority
We're wading through the swamp again navigating towards the tree stump indicated on the bullywug map. When all of a sudden out of the mist a group of hobgoblins on stilts approach us. They're carrying cages on their back filled with all kinds of eggs. Dhanell calls out to them and we inquire if we're still on the right way to reach the tree stump. After this encounter we continue our way.
About an hour later we start to encounter various walkways a few feet above the swamp all converging at, what we suspect is, the stump. We quickly climb onto the walkways. Finally some way to dry my paws. And indeed in the distance we can distinguish the stump rising some thirty feet from the swamp. This must have been a huge tree as it looks like it's about eighty feet across. Suddenly I notice a hunched hooded figure walking along with us. I slowly make way towards Frostbite and whisper to him we seem to have company. Frostbite calls out "Shoo!". And Zephyr ask him who he is. He removes his cloak revealing his face, but moreover his long blue scarf. He's also holding a long iron rod with a red-hot triangle at the top. We also start to hear the sound of bagpipes, playing the song we've heard before when we encountered the harengon brigands.
Zephyr asks him if this is the way to Downfall. All we get in response is that he starts singing and dancing along with the bagpipe song. Meanwhile we're closed in by two groups of harengon emerging from small rowing boats, they've tied up to the walkways. I shout out they should respect my authority as Witchlight Monarch, but all that does is an attack from Longscarf branding me with a mark of three chasing hares.
Clearly they've got no good intentions so we attack the group. I activate my Monarch charm and start chasing after the crossbow bolt shooting guys. Ones they've been dealt with I start chasing after Longscarf making sure that I stay out of his reach. Maeve with her whispers in the end manages to subdue with Longscarf while the remaining brigands flee in one of the rowboats. Frostbite and Ashira have also been branded with the hare mark and don't seem to see him anymore, even when he's right there in front of them. Zephyr ties him up with my rope and we start to interrogate him. He tell us that he, together with his troop of brigands relieve people of their valuables and they have to give the most valuable item to Bavlorna. He explains that he was nailed to this tree for crimes against humanity and that Bavlorna freed him. We also hear that he has got no idea how to defeat her, but that she's always in her ramshackle cottage on stilts.
With the rope tied around him we continue to the stump along the walkways. I fly to its top and the other follow via the rope ladders. At the top there's a big wooden throne befitting a Monarch, so I seat myself there. From one of the tents at the top of the tree stump a harengon emerges, who quickly scrambles away while bowing towards me. We find some assorted stuff here, and also the bag of truffles Jingle Jangle mentioned. As per her wish I share them with the others to enjoy and I take the remainder of the mushrooms.
We hoist Longscarf to the top of the stump and tie him up in the throne. Frostbite sees a village to the northwest. The water there looks to be deeper so I propose to take one of the rowboats to go there. As we don't want to go there unprepared through we decide to take short rest. This also allows some time to investigate the scarf which turns out to be cursed. Too bad, I would have liked to wear that.
We climb down again and enter a rowboat and start to row towards the village. The river widen and the fog is getting thicker here. Two rowboats with two bullywugs each approach us. They're wearing once chic but now very shabby clothes.
Session 1 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 12 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite Frostbite2 | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 20:18