13 - Saving kids
Session 1 | Session 12 | Session 13 | Session 14 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
And retrieving a portrait...
Will urges us on with his plan, so we continue to the fallen tree of Granny. As we're getting close the groups splits up as per the plan. We head over to the stalls set up beside the tree. Various golbins man these stalls, selling candy. One of the goblins with a toffee apple for its head approaches us asking what he can help us with. Caramel encrusted beetles catch my eye and I trade one for one of my rations. Upon munching it down my head becomes twice the size it normally is; Bobblehead Bunny Brolin! Awesome! I trade my two pieces of one-eight staff for another two beetles.
The toffee apple goblin, who's named Chucklehead, meanwhile tells us about his girlfriend who's trapped by Granny in the kitchen. His openness, makes me blurt out almost our entire plan (sorry Dhanell, I do this sometimes...), but somehow he doesn't seem to mind too much, or he's just acting like that. Then it seems the plan has come into action as we hear commotion from behind the fallen tree. The tin soldiers must've been activated.
We run back to the bridge leading up to southern entrance into the tree. Dhanell and Ashira are already ahead of the rest, telling the kids they find in the toy workshop to flee into the forest where they should wait for us. On of the kids, a halfling, refuses to leave without her pet pig, so I promise to go and get it for her. This convinces her to join the others in the forest.
I try to find a way into the garden to go look for Oink, the pig. I head up a set of stairs and reach a room where I'm stopped in my tracks by some kind of animated rug. I make quick work of it as I engulf it in darkness, poking and stomping it back into its original unanimated form. There's also an animated doll which is calling out "ALARM!", but Maeve shuts it up. Calling out to me we should leave. Frostbite is also calling out to make haste, but I'll follow suit once I collect the pig. Maeve meanwhile directs the two kids wed find here down the stairs and also towards the forest edge.
I quickly continue and finally find a balcony overlooking the garden. Tin soldiers are patrolling here so I stealthily climb down and make way to the animal pens. There I find the pig resembling the halflings description. I take it along with me and hide between the roots of the fallen tree for another tin soldiers patrol. Finally I reach the balcony again, after passing a rocking unicorn which is missing its horn.
We all meet up at the forest edge. No Will to be seen though. We decide not to wait, due to all the ruckus we've caused, so we head back to his treehouse. Once we reach Little Oak, we direct all the kids up the rope ladder and we get some sleep. Halfway through the night we're awakened by Will who luckily made it out alive, promising he will never ever return there.
The next morning I take one of the caramel beetles, no Mr. bobblehead this time, but I turn even smaller than I was before. I wonder when this will wear of. Some negotiate with Will about the alicorn and he agrees we've freed enough kids to get it. From the others I learn they've also obtained the portrait that Frostbite needed to give back to Bavlorna.
We head back to Clapperclaw so we can head back to Downfall. We see he's made goo use of the services of Nib As he turned the swamp gas balloon into a gold laced hot air balloon, with an intricate golden heating contraption. We enter the basket and are back on our way to Hither. On the lookout for Jabberwock I see it flying around in the distance. I'm glad he's not coming after us I must say.
Session 1 | Session 12 | Session 13 | Session 14 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 19:02