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Sandcat RPG

>Aleria Songblade

^13th Age 2017

>Sandcat RPG stuff >13th Age 2017 >Characters

The players and their characters.
Player Character Concept One Unique Thing The Icons Char. sheet
Marcel Malaika Aasimar Commander Knows she is an RPG character 1 Crusader 1 Diabolist 1 Great Golden Wyrm Html Print
Mark Rend Wood Elf Druid Born as bear and therefore banished. 1 Elf Queen 1 High Druid 1 Prince of Shadows Html Print
Ferry Pandora Human Chaos Mage Part of his soul is in a carry-on jewelry-box 1 Prince of Shadows 1 The Archmage 1 Great Golden Wyrm Pdf
Xavier Cetus Merfolk Occultist Born from the Ocean
Aleria Songblade High Elf Ranger/Bard Only living member of the ancient Songblade warriors 1 Lich King 2 Elf Queen Html Print
Stijn Nauro Gnome Fighter Heir to the last remaining blood flute rumored to contain the blood of Heikazo, the legendary Gnomish warrior. 2 Archmage 1 High Druid Html Print

From left to right: Malaika, Rend, Pandora, Nauro, Cetus, Aleria

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