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>Aleria Songblade


>Sandcat RPG stuff >13th Age 2017 >Characters >Cetus

Neutral Good
193 cm
79 kg
Common, Aquan
Brown/White with shells
Armor Class
Physical Defense
Mental Defense
Save Bonuses
Recovery Roll
Icon Relationships
  • Negative: Archmage (1 point)
    He doesn't understand your powers and sees them as a threat.
  • Positive: Prince of Shadows (1 point)
    The Prince accepts you for who you are (but his motives are not clear). You are in his debt as he saved you from an attack by followers of the Archmage.
  • Positive: High Druid (1 point)
    The High Druid saw you being born from the ocean and sees you as a gift from nature.
  • Wandering Mystic (5 points)
    Wanders around the world searching for secrets beyond mortal ken. In search of what he is.
  • Outcast (3 points)
    Being out of sync with this world, people often don't understand you and avoid you.
Class Features
Delayed Magical Healing
Magical healing effects heal you one round after the effect would normally be applied. You gain the healing at the start of the turn of whoever applied the magical healing effect, or at the start of your next turn if you drank a healing potion or found some other way of magically healing yourself during your last turn. This doesn’t apply outside of combat or when you rally.
Flexible Recharge
Like a standard spellcaster, you choose the spells you will be able to cast after each full heal-up. When you successfully recharge a spell, you can regain any spell of that spell’s level, not necessarily the same spell again. In effect, you roll to recharge that level’s spell slot.
Focus and Spellcasting
Wielding your arcane power of reality requires two steps. First, you take time to focus your mind. Once you have this focus, you can cast a spell. Casting a spell generally expends your focus, though there will be exceptions depending on the spell.
Gaining your focus requires a standard action, and it draws opportunity attacks just like using a ranged attack does.
In addition to the spells you normally know based on your level, you also know karmic rebuke.
Arcane Implements
You use arcane power to alter fate. While wands and staffs are designed for casting spells that are different from the spells you use, given a little time you can bend such an implement to your will.
Racial Power
Magical Amphibian
Can morph their fins and tail into legs, or vice versa back into half-fish form, with a full-round action. They can move and fight in water as well as a flying creature can in open air when they are in their half-fish form.
Siren Song
As a move action once per battle, you can sing a beautiful melody reminiscent of a gentle sea breeze, or a mournful dirge that carries the portent of tidal waves. Until the end of your next turn, all nearby allies add the escalation die to their defenses, OR all nearby enemies subtract the escalation die from their defenses (your choice).
Superior Rebuke
The first time each round that you expend your focus to cast a spell as an interrupt action and fail to retain your focus, roll a d20 afterward. On an 18–20, you can also cast karmic rebuke as a free action, using that roll in place of your attack roll. You can use this talent again during a later round in the battle once you have your focus again.
Stance of Necessity
Twice per day as a quick action, you can gain a +4 bonus to all defenses. The protection lasts until the end of the battle and is in effect while you do NOT have your focus. The bonus also ends when an attack hits you while you don’t have your focus.
Warp Flesh
When you cast a spell that targets Mental Defense and the target has a higher MD than PD, the attack “twists” and targets PD instead. When a spell twists this way, it deals force damage instead of its normal damage type.
Hewer of Truth
Edged melee weapon without an attack penalty. Int instead of Str for your attack rolls with that weapon, and Wis instead of Str for your damage rolls. When you hit an enemy engaged with you with a spell, you can cause a small amount of extra harm to that foe with your weapon. The target takes ongoing damage equal to your melee attack miss damage.
One Unique Thing
Born from the Ocean (See background for more details)
Basic Melee Attack (War Scythe)
Delayed Magical Healing (Adv)
Your baseline hit points are 7 instead of 6.
Focus and Spellcasting (Adv)
When you cast a spell and retain your focus, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
GP: 50
War Scythe
Brown cloak
Traveling gear
Seashell (which becomes more intricate and mesmerizing the longer it’s viewed)
Secret scrolls
Magic Items
  • Malaika -Aasimar Commander (Marcel)
  • Pandora - Human Chaos Mage (Ferry)
  • Rend - Wood-Elf Druid (Mark)
  • Nauro - Gnome Fighter (Stijn)
Incremental Advances
Ability Score Bonus
Hit Points
Magic Item slot
Skills (+1)
Power / Spell
Icon rel. (ask GM)

Standard Spell (no slot)
Karmic Rebuke
At-Will ♦ Close-quarters spell
Quick action to cast; expend focus
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: 3d6+3 psychic damage.
Other spell levels: 1d6 ♦ 3d6 ♦ 5d6 ♦ 5d8 ♦ 7d10
Memorized Spells (4 lvl 1, 1 lvl 3)
Better Yet, Here
At-Will ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: One of your allies hits a nearby enemy with a non-crit attack.
Target: The enemy hit by the attack
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: The target takes 4d6+3 extra damage from the hit. (If your attack crits, double the damage you are adding to your ally’s attack, but not their base damage.)
Miss: The target takes extra damage from the hit equal to the spell level.
Retain Focus: 1–5
Other spell levels: 2d6 ♦ 4d6 ♦ 6d6 ♦ 6d10 ♦ 8d10
Moment of Karma
At-Will ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: A nearby enemy hits you with an attack.
Target: The attacking enemy
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: 5d6+3 psychic damage.
Miss: Damage equal to spell level.
Retain Focus: 1–5.
Other spell levels: 3d6 ♦ 5d6 ♦ 5d10 ♦ 7d10 ♦ 10d10
Brilliant Comeback
Recharge 6+ after battle ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: A nearby ally uses a recovery.
Effect: The triggering ally can make a basic attack as a free action. Instead of using their attack bonus, that ally uses an attack bonus equal to 5+4.
Retain Focus: 1–15
Other spell levels: 5 ♦ 7 ♦ 10 ♦ 12 ♦ 15
Bitter Lessons
Recharge 16+ after battle ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: A nearby enemy misses with an attack.
Target: The attacking enemy
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: 2d6+3 psychic damage, and the ally the target missed gains the same amount of temporary hit points.
Miss: Half damage, and you take the other half of the damage.
Retain Focus: 1–15.
Other spell levels: 2d6 ♦ 4d6 ♦ 6d6 ♦ 6d10 ♦ 8d10
Inevitable Fall
Recharge 16+ after battle ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: One of your allies attacks a nearby enemy and misses.
Target: The missed enemy
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: 4d8+3 psychic damage, and 5 ongoing psychic damage.
Miss: 5 ongoing psychic damage.
Retain Focus: 1–5.
Other spell levels: 4d8/5 ♦ 8d6/10 ♦ 8d10/15 ♦ 2d6x10/25 ♦ 2d10x10/35
Unmemorized Spells
Timely Mistake
Recharge 6+ after battle ♦ Close-quarters spell
Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Trigger: A nearby enemy hits you or an ally with a natural odd attack roll.
Target: The attacking enemy
Attack: +6 vs MD
Hit: 1d6+3 psychic damage, and the target rerolls the attack and must use the lower result.
Miss: Damage equal to spell level.
Retain Focus: 1-5.
Other spell levels: 1d6 ♦ 3d6 ♦ 5d6 ♦ 5d8 ♦ 7d10

Character description

Friendly and calm, always willing to help. Seashells live in his beard, and he has a smell that reminds you of the Ocean.
He always carries a big Seashell which becomes more intricate and mesmerizing the longer it’s viewed. Cetus can spend hours keeping it against his ear and listening to it.

Background story

Cetus was found by a fisherman in his fishing nets 73 years ago. "Cetus" was what the fisherman called him, and Cetus took that name as his own. He already looked as an older man at that moment, the same as he does now. Cetus has no memories from before that moment. He did have a lot of knowledge, but those were not memories. He found out he had skills and powers from beyond this world, which no other magic user could comprehend.
A lot of people and Icons are afraid of him, some, like the Archmage, see him as a threat. Others see him as a weird old man and ignore him. Sometimes he seems disorientated or acts weird, which is probably because he is not completely in sync with this world.
The Prince (seems to) accepts him for who he is, and gave him a place he could treat as home, Shadow Port. But he is not there often, mostly he is wandering around the world searching for Mystic places, containing Secrets beyond mortal kin. Trying to find who he is, and what his purpose is.
The High Druid, who saw him being born from the ocean sees you as a gift from nature. Because of that he will help protect Cetus, and wants to find out why nature created him.

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