Delayed Magical Healing
Magical healing effects heal you one round after the effect would normally be applied. You gain the healing at the start of the turn of whoever applied the magical healing effect, or at the start of your next turn if you drank a healing potion or found some other way of magically healing yourself during your last turn. This doesn’t apply outside of combat or when you rally.
Flexible Recharge
Like a standard spellcaster, you choose the spells you will be able to cast after each full heal-up. When you successfully recharge a spell, you can regain any spell of that spell’s level, not necessarily the same spell again. In effect, you roll to recharge that level’s spell slot.
Focus and Spellcasting
Wielding your arcane power of reality requires two steps. First, you take time to focus your mind. Once you have this focus, you can cast a spell. Casting a spell generally expends your focus, though there will be exceptions depending on the spell.
Gaining your focus requires a standard action, and it draws opportunity attacks just like using a ranged attack does.
In addition to the spells you normally know based on your level, you also know karmic rebuke.
Arcane Implements
You use arcane power to alter fate. While wands and staffs are designed for casting spells that are different from the spells you use, given a little time you can bend such an implement to your will.