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Sandcat RPG

>1. The first task (Rend)
>1. Tickets to the Ball (Cetus)
>2. The Ball (Rend)


>Sandcat RPG stuff >13th Age 2017 >Sessions >1. Tickets to the Ball (Cetus)

1. Tickets to the Ball (Cetus)

Played on May 21nd, 2017

Day 1

So it is a nice warm evening. I am walking around the beach enjoying the fresh Ocean breeze. Always nice to be back here. Then I hit something with my toe. It hurts! When I look down I see this dark bottle, it's open and a note is sticking out of it. I'm required in the tavern "Dark Gesture" in 10 minutes. I know not to ask more about how this bottle ended up here at this moment, and that I have to hurry. Running would take me 20 minutes at least, so I dive into the sea, transform myself into half-fish form and swim as fast as I can. Into the port, up the river that passes that tavern within 50 feet.

I enter the tavern still soaking wet and find the table with the golden mug, as mentioned in the note. Pandora is already sitting there and soon the others also join. A tiefling asks us what we want to drink. It seems the Prince wants something back for his help and has 6 tasks for us. Meanwhile Pandora asks what's happen when he kills more people by accident during those missions, and if those new debts will also be gone after the tasks. I tell him the chances of that happening are not that big, and since he asks how big, I start calculating. 5 minutes later I tell him it's 7%. It seems the discussion is already pretty much done... I think we have to steal some statue from Morgan Navael. Then we go outside.

Malaika asks if anyone knows where the estate of Lars Redfist is. Not sure why she is asking, but I tell her I know where it is. Then she tells me to start walking, so I walk. A minute later I ask where we are going? It seems she wants me to lead the way to that estate she asked me about a minute ago, and to knock on the door when we are there.
When we get there I walk towards the door to knock on it, but some guards won't let me pass. I turn around and ask Malaika what to do now. She starts talking to them, convincing them why we need to talk to Lars. But it doesn't look like they will let us in. So I tell them the Prince send us. Then they seem to recognise me and let us through.

Upstairs there is a room with Lars, a big guy with a red earring and a red mark on his face in the shape of a fist. I tell him that we want to steal a statue from Morgan Navael. He is happy about how honest we are, and tells use he has blueprints of the estate, patterns of the guards and can arrange tickets for some ball at the estate. But he asks us what it's worth.
I'm confused what he means and why he just not tells us those things if he knows them. Rend is offering to help him with guard duties in return. I ask if 5 gold is enough, but seems it isn't. So I offer to help Rend with the guard. I always like doing things with Rend. I can talk to him for hours, and he gives these nice licks on my face! Sometimes I think animals understand me better.
Malaika offers to go with him to the ball. He tells us he will arrange tickets to the ball if Malaika goes there with some other rich guy, Naura tells him everything about this and the next mission we get, And Rend (and me I assume) will do some guard duties for 2 nights. We accept the offer and leave the estate.

Naura and Rend are discussing to scout out the estate. I tell them it's located at the seaside and that i can do some scouting from the sea. Malaika wants new clothes for the ball, and it seems she thinks I also need some. I'm not sure what's wrong with my current clothes, but ask her if she can arrange the correct ones then. She also wants me to cut my hair! I will *never* do that. It's not just hair, it's a living place for some of my friends. But I guess she will never understand that.

Then some Half-Orcs stop us. They want our tickets to the ball. I offer them mine, because it doesn't look like I would fit in there anyways. But seems they want all 5 and suddenly 10 thugs are throwing rocks at us from behind. Pandora casts some spell and with a loud Blarrrrgh a lot of different stuff comes from him and kills at least 5 of them, while some others run away.
The battle continues. I go in Focus and try to hurt the attackers. But I think the whole cutting my hair argument has somehow effected my karma and my spells don't hit much besides myself. Luckely the others handle the leftover thugs quickly and the last one runs away. It seems that those tickets to the ball are popular...

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