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Sandcat RPG

>1. The first task (Rend)
>1. Tickets to the Ball (Cetus)
>2. The Ball (Rend)


>Sandcat RPG stuff >13th Age 2017 >Sessions >1. The first task (Rend)

1. The first task (Rend)

Played on May 21nd, 2017

Day 1

So I'm hanging out in one of the parks in Shadowport, having people throw leftover food at me when all of a sudden, my Prince contactperson runs up to me. I think my cure isn't due yet, so I'm pretty curious what this is about.
Out of breath he tells me to get to the "Dark Jester" tavern, because if I don't I might end up without my cure. I should meet up with some Samuel Dirrel once there
I quickly stuff my face with all the food people have thrown at me and I race for the tavern, bumping into some passersby who weren't paying attention to the huge bear charging towards them.

Inside the tavern I see therest of the group with whom I've been on a mission recently. The're all sitting at the same table, so I curl up next to them, looking at the bearrug in front of the fireplace somewhat worryingly.
A welldressed joyfull tiefling approaches the table and asks us what we would like to drink. I ask for a bowl of water.
Once we get our drinks and get seated he starts telling us about a mutual acquaitance who wants us to complete six tasks for him. Once we're done with them we'll be out of his debt. I'm considering the acquaitance might be the prince of Shadows...
For the first task we're to steal some statue of an owl set with gems, from a very rich noble in this city, named Morgan Navael. Morgan has has been bragging constantly about it and about how well he's got it guarded. Rumors go that the statue once belonged to the Wizard King and that some magic powers still linger inside.
We should obtain the statue and return it here and ask for the golden beer, whatever that may mean. The last piece of information we get is, that we should pay a visit to Lars Redfist to learn more about the statue and its owner.

Lars is the king of the Valegate dsitrict and he lives there in a huge mansion. As we try to enter, a few guards block our path. Lucky for us, one of them knows Cetus so he considers us to be ok and we are granted access.
At the top floor we're introduced to Lars. A big guy with a large red fist-shaped mark on his face. It seems he's faught a relative of mine and lived, which is quite a feat; Impressive!
he tells us he could indeed provide us with information about Morgan which could help us obtain the statue, but it comes at a price obviously. I offer him my service as a guard, because the ones he got at the moment were pretty easy to convince to let us in. he thibnks he might have a job or two for me to do. Nauro agrees to deliver the info we gather from the first two missions we have to undertake for the Prince.
Lars agrees and will provide us with tickets to a ball to be held at the mansion of Morgan. Mailaka offers to go as Lars date to the ball, but he says she can go with Eldin Castlane, who will provide us with the actual tickets.

On the way back to our tavern we take a shortcut therough an alley where all of a sudden from the shadows we're surrounded by about nine thugs. They offer to let us go in exchange for the tickets. But as we obviously don;t have them yet, that's not going to be an option.
Not really willing to let us go unharmed we get into a fight. Pretty quickly pandora deals with five of them by puking all over them. Two of the others get whacked over the head and chopped in half by Nauro and Malaika, while I slam the last two who make a run for it, seeing all their friends dead or dying.
It seems, more people than just us are after the statue!

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