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Sandcat RPG

>Carlos Rodríguez
>Eduardo Gonzalez di Pereiro
>Isabel Moralez
>Jennifer Lawlor
>Madeline Stuyvesant


>Sandcat RPG stuff >Crash! >Characters >Isabel Moralez

Isabel Moralez
Concept:Young insecure stewardess
Appearance:Pretty, with hazelnut hair, wearing a stylish stewardess uniform and flats.
Personality:Cute, outgoing, people person
Manner of speech:English with a mediterranean flow to it
Backgrond info:Flying back and forth between Brazil and the US on a daily basis
12345 6789
3 X
2 X X X X
1 X X X X
Issue:Guilt (did I make the plane crash?)
Impulse:Closed off / Revert to standard habits
1. Stewardess training - first aid, people skills, what to do when a plain crashed
2. Girl scout - very basic survival skills, cookie baking, rope use
1. Widower father with extremely high expectations