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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Foggy London >Session logs >Sessie 2 (Lyle)

Sessie 2 (Lyle)

Played on 2006/02/05

As written by Lyle Billinghurst

The 7th of December, 1881

Our investigation continues when the results of Elise Dubois' are available. Elise Dubois manages to limit the possible perpetrators to a set of 17 types of occult monsters. 13 of these could disguise themselves as a human in some way. Although interesting, I do not believe this will help further our investigation until we can narrow down the list further. Sir Damion Griffith holds a short meeting asking after our progress. He has heard about William Ravenhold and seem able to confirm its somewhat shady reputation.

We decide to split up to speed up our investigation. Ernst will go to the East side to try and see if he can get William Ravenhold's address from one of the working class people. Meanwhile Elise Dubois and I scan the report of the past Peeping Tom crimes. There seem to be a few recurring themes:

  • All attacks occur in the dark, although not around the exact same time.
  • All attacks involve women.
  • All reports mention a yellow-eyed attacker.
  • Many reports mention William Ravenhold in a way seemingly unrelated to the attack.
This reconfirms the need to investigate this William Ravenhold further. Luckily, Ernst manages to get his address from a cab driver.

We decide that it would be best if miss Grace Dubois would infiltrate William Ravenhold's dwelling, a modest mansion on the east edge of West End. Grace enters the building through a window on the first floor. She inspects the mansion and finds a man drinking in the kitchen. He appears to be mumbling to himself. Also, Grace can hear someone snoring. As Grace moves to inspect this, the person downstairs charges up the stairs and tries to capture Grace. Grace manages to escape out the first floor window, but gets hit by a bottle which was thrown after her. She has lost her shoes somewhere in the mansion.

Because we did not really get the information we wanted, we decide to stakeout the mansion. Grace keeps watch in a forward position while Ernst and I keep farther away. Just after midnight a person walks out of the front door. Grace follows him undetectedly while we follow Grace from a distance. Grace follows the man into a dead-end alley, where a strange thing happens. The man screams and contorts as in a terrible pain and seems to transform in a yellow-eyed beast. The beast jumps over the dead-end wall of the alley and Grace jumps on top of the wall to pursue him. As Grace gets on top of the wall, she is attacked by the beast. Ernst fires his guna t the beast but misses. The beast flees over the rooftops. Grace starts a pursuit over the rooftops while Ernst leads me through the East End alleys in the correct direction. Grace, Ernst and I end our chase at a somewhat run-down square. Instead of finding the one beast we were looking for, there were two, jumping at each other.

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