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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Foggy London >Session logs >Session 4 (Lyle)

Session 4 (Lyle)

Played on 2006/03/12

As written by Lyle Billinghurst

The 10th of December, 1881

Previously we apprehended both Spencer and William Ravenhold. We lock up both brothers in the same cell at the lodge. We keep them away from eachother by chaining them to opposite walls. They don't seem to happy about it. Elise finds a way to exorcise the demons from the ravenhold but requires all kinds of weird reagents to perform the ritual.

The 11th of December, 1881

We spend the day collecting the needed reagents. We experience no difficulties doing this. In the night, we start the ritual to exorcise the demons from the Ravenhold. It turns out to be a quite a thrilling experience. In the end we manage to clean them of the demons. Everyone is exhausted by the mental strain this ritual imposes.

We decide that it would be best if miss Grace Dubois would infiltrate William Ravenhold's dwelling, a modest mansion on the east edge of West End. Grace enters the building through a window on the first floor. She inspects the mansion and finds a man drinking in the kitchen. He appears to be mumbling to himself. Also, Grace can hear someone snoring. As Grace moves to inspect this, the person downstairs charges up the stairs and tries to capture Grace. Grace manages to escape out the first floor window, but gets hit by a bottle which was thrown after her. She has lost her shoes somewhere in the mansion.

The 12th of December, 1881

Because of my exhaustion, I sleep in. As soon as I wake and finish my breakfast, I collect the Ravenhold brothers and turn them in at the police station. My chief is thrilled that we solved the Peeping Tom case and asks me to take their statements. Spencer's official statement is: "I'm cold." William refuses to say anything. That sounds just great to me. Grace and Elise turn up because they want to interview the brothers. William refuses to say anything. Elise gets fed up and when I walk her out to the door, Grace miraculously manages to extract some information from William. William mentions that he has had help from a Miss Turner and that his brother probably just stole his notes on how to summon such a demon. Soon after he mentions Miss Turner, William dies in quite a spectacular way, namely he slowly dehydrates and fades to dust. Not something I would like to see again some day soon.

We interview Spencer as well. It becomes quickly clear that William was the mastermind of it all. Spencer admits to being the Peeping Tom and denies to know anything about Miss Turner. We believe him, because he does not fade to dust (luckily). He is very curious about William.

We search William Ravenhold's mansion and find a booklet and some burnt pieces of notes. We turn them over to Elise for research.

The 12th of December, 1881

We search Spencer Ravenhold's mansion and Ernst interviews the butler. Nothing interesting comes up.

The 13th of December, 1881

We mention our success at the lodge. Damion Griffin is thrilled with the news and tells us not to pursue Miss Turner too much. Very suspicious!

The 14th of December, 1881

We read the newspaper, which seems to be thrilled that we found the Peeping Tom. Hurray! We take a week off to celebrate.

The 20th of December, 1881

Returned from our much needed rest, we read the newspaper again. Several interesting things have happened. I propose to investigate the mauling of Sir Baskerville, but the rest disagrees. Damion proposes that we investigate Pentex Supplies Ltd because thay have lain off their complete workforce. We visit the factory but the security guards are very good at their job. We visit Mr.Bowles' mansion but he is away for business. In our desperation we go to a bar where former Pentex Supplies employees spend their wages. Ernst goes and talks to them, because he understands these people or something. Most of them think it's a disgrace and they say it is very strange. They repeat these things several times, so they probably think it is true or important or both. We also pick up one strange tid-bit of information and that is that several corpses have been ex-humed from a graveyard. Odd. I wish I could remember where I picked up the information.

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