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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Far Travellers >Session reports >Session 6 (Jayden)

Session 6 (Jayden)


Played on November 7th, 2010
From the memoirs of a interstellar crime-lord

My Gold!

I was running around, frantically looking for the perpetrator that took my gold. I could only think of one person who would do such a thing. That sneaky blue-robed CEO. I finally found him near the cryo-chambers and immediately started to frisk him for my gold. He seemed oddly prepared for me though and pushed me away with suprising strength. Since he didn't seem to have the nuggets on him, I didn't retaliate and went onwards in my search.

I ended up in the medical bay again and was just about to search it thouroughly when the lights went out again. Shivers were running along my spine and when I thought I heard something in the dark again, I knew the 'thing' from the comms room must have found me again. I completely panicked at that time and must've passed out somewhere during my crazy flailing in the medical bay since the first thing I remembered afterwards was Jasmin who was hugging me comfortingly. I was covered in sweat and only remembered dreaming I was chased by half-thawed cryo zombies in the dark corridors of the ship. Still faint, I stumbled towards the chair in the observation room. There I noticed that the ship had gone in orbit around the star that it has flown towards. Totally tired, I dozed off in the chair shortly afterwards. The rest of the group also must have chose their respective sleeping quarters, since all went quiet within minutes.

True awakening

My second dream that night was far more serene than the first one. Unable to recall any specific details, I woke up feeling completely at peace with myself. I realised two things when I awoke. Firstly, not only was my gold totally worthless on board this ship, but most likely it was worthless as well on the planet where we were going. Secondly, I needed as much allies as I could to get out of my current ordeal and couldn't afford to already burn my bridges. With this in mind I went to both girls (Jasmin and Manon) to make my apologies for my ridiculous behaviour of the last days. Also we held a minute of silence for Abigail, since we thought there wasn't a chance she would still be alive.

Jasmin and myself decided to check if the cryo-chambers were movable from their rooms although I forgot to what end exactly. We ran into the CEO who was still kind of angry with me for stealing his book. As I was coming clean to everybody, I decided to share with him that Gerd the belgian politician had his diary. Jasmin and me soon found out that the cryochambers were fastened securely to the room and thus it was impossible to move them. Meanwhile Knut and the droid finally discovered the body of Bennet, which was hidden behind a grate in the fuel purification room. A short investigation by Manon and myself showed that it was impossible for him to hide himself in there and put the grate back into place, so someone or something must have put him there. There were no signs of violence on his body though, so he must have died from asphyxiation in the vaccuum.

During our investigation, someone in the observation room noticed the ship was no longer orbiting the star, and all outside was solidly black. Knut and the droid went to investigat the engines and noticed that the fartravel drive had begun operating again. We were in fartravel mode again most likely and using the pad from the observation room, we deduced we were still heading for Gnapho II, but it would take us still around 30 years to get there. Maybe we should start thinking about going back into cryo, like the CEO was also pondering...

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