Vision, Clover, Smoke and I spent the day at New York State University. I attended some American History and Theology classes, hoping to pickup something about the American culture. Vision found a copy of the Daily Tribune and said there was something about a drug, called ReNew, which according to the paper turns College students into mutants. None of us really bought that, but it maybe worth talking to some of the Biology or Chemistry professors about it. Apart from this there was an article about an FBI scandal. They were rumoured to cooperate withe the Brotherhood of Mutants. Also, there were some nice pictures of Spiderman.
After college we were supposed to head back to the X-mansion, so we did. We met
up with Beast, for whom I hold the greatest of respect. We found him hanging
upside down reading some scientific treatise. He politely offered us some
training in the danger room, which we readily accepted. We formed two teams,
and we were to compete against each other. Vision and Smoke teamed up. They
were charged with defending a glass sphere which was to be placed on top a
jungle hill. I was teamed up with the honourable Clover. Our goal would be to
seize the glass sphere. After some preparation we started. Clover quickly ran
off to the hill while I proppelled myself with telekinesis. We both reached the
hill quickly, which Smoke had almost completely hidden in smoke. Rendering my
vision useless. Vision took shots at us, being completely unhindered by the
smoke. Luckily I was unarmed. Clover apparently was able to see something and
quickly closed on Vision. He used his teleportation to keep away from Clover
and was able to hurt her considerably. Hoping to push back the smoke and find
the glass sphere I extended my force field. Spotting it, I quickly ran to it,
but as I neared it, Vision appeared from nowhere and snatched me away. Luckily,
he was putting so much effort in grabbing me that he forgot to raise his
defences and I was able to smack him into a tree. After my quick apologies, I
tried to get my bearings again. Stumbling around in the smoke, blindly, I
managed to finally find the glass sphere, only to be attacked by Smoke. Luckily
he missed and I managed to fly away with the sphere, ending the mission. Beast
was very pleased about all our performances and I think I picked up a new idea
or two.