9 - Day 10-12

From Mutant Year Zero
Session 0Session 8Session 9Session 10Session 31

Trade route and Croplands

Played on 17-03-2024
Day 10-12
by Lincoln

We negotiated with Lutrell. In exchange for our metal club and some additional weapons which Bolt would fabricate, we would get one shipment of water. If we'd manage to free his people we would set up a more permanent water trade route. A first important step to survive the ever worsening situation we're living in.

So Bolt started making weapons with the help of some of the Pure-Ones, while I spend the rest of the day together with Lutrell learning about water purification and about the creatures they grew for food, called pigs. Once our croplands are done, that might be a worthwhile next project to spend out time on. But we'll see once we get back to the Ark. That night we join the Pure-Ones at some ritual involving sacrificing a pig to the deep one which seems to reside in one of the basins.

The next day we leave with our raft filled with barrels of water, as much water as we could carry ourselves and finally a big piece of pig meat. The journey home is luckily quite uneventful. By the end of the day we reach the Ark. There's quite a bit of rejoicing when we present the fresh water. However the positive vibe is overshadowed by the news that there has been another unusual death; Latifa jumped to her death. Jo-Ann and Max saw it happening, but they can't explain why she would've jumped. I ask Max about any relationship between the death of Latifa and Kincaid, but she has no idea.

As the croplands are finally finished, Bolt and Max start work on designing an area where the raft could dock. This will be really helpful once our trade really takes of. I think a sundial would also be a good addition to the Ark. And of course the defenses are also still work in progress.

I interrogate Silas about what he seems to have seen to the southeast, the four wheeled vehicles. He paints a picture which closely resembles the vehicle which Lutrell told us about, so I tend to believe him. My line of questioning is unfortunately rudely interrupted when Harper enters the scene, but for now I know enough.

AS we spent less and less time in the Ark these days, I want too spend some time on investigating the whereabouts of Wyatt. I decide to pay Gerald a visit together with a few from my gang. When het starts threatening to hurt Wyatt he crosses a line he shouldn't have. My eyes turn red with rage and I go for his throat, biting him to death. With his dying breath he manages to claw at me with his vicious spikes puncturing my lung. Finley and Garrett drag me back to my cabin and call for Octavia. She's a bit frightened when she enters my cabin but reluctantly stitches me back up. Even though I might not always show it that much, I'm really glad we got her around! I eat a big meal to heal as fast as possible and try to get some sleep before we take of to rescue the kidnapped Pure-Ones.

Session 0Session 8Session 9Session 10Session 31

Updated on: 15:28