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From Mutant Year Zero
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But without any water

Played on 11-02-2024
Day 3-4
by Octavia
Hey Notebook!

So we are back at the Ark, finally! Let me tell you what happened since last time.

Ava, Finley and Ruby were wondering what to do. Of course we were going to meet the rest, Lincoln was dying to see them! But they still were afraid for the Zone-Ghouls. I again explained that they looked similar, but were not aggressive and could talk our language. They should give them a chance! And to avoid any confusion from now on I'll call them the "Pure-Ones". It has a lot nicer ring to it than "Zone-Ghouls".

We met the others in front of the big building. Ava told their story, about how they encountered the Devourer and could only barely escape, thanks to Tank distracting it. How they arrived on the island and got attacked by the huge bird, which took Felix. How they stayed hidden in one of those huge metal barrels, such that the bird couldn't reach them anymore. And that they saw these Zone-Ghouls at night. Which we now know luckily turned out to be the Pure-Ones!

Bolt then started a (way too long) story about this place. Apparently this whole island is one big machine that makes dirty water clean and drinkable, and it is all connected underground.
Lincoln explained his plan. He wanted to figure out how they survived here, and if we could trade something for the water. Sounded like a good idea!

We went inside and started talking with Lutrell. It didn't went smoothly at all. Lutrell didn't wanted to tell us how they survived, he didn't think it was relevant for us. He just wanted us to leave. When we explained we wanted to trade for water to save our Ark he told us he didn't care, and that there was nothing they needed.

I explained more clearly that our water supply turned green, and that maybe some of that white powder could help? Or something else, since they knew a lot about cleaning water. But all I got in response was that it was not that easy, that this was a sacred place that you could not reproduce somewhere else, and more like that...

We did learn that the bald dog-like creatures were called "pigs" and that they arranged food for them. Meanwhile I was thinking about the "Deep One", wasn't that his boss? Maybe we should help him taking care of this "Deep One"?

When I brought up the "Deep One" Lutrell got really angry and irritated. He told me I should never say that word out loud... Not sure what has gotten into him, as if saying a word out loud could do any harm... In the end he told us that we could go look for the "Deep One", because we should be a good sacrifice.

Deep One
Deep One
I'm still confused about this "Deep One"... Maybe it was not his boss, but like a 6 meter long mutated rat that would want to eat us like the huge bird? In that case we better skip that idea...
Lincoln in the meanwhile got so irritated and annoyed with Lutrell's attitude that he left the building. He told us to come with him and head back to the Ark. But I noticed that another Pure-One was interested in Rianna's axe.
So I stayed inside and proposed that we could setup a trade. We could come back with for example weapons which we could trade for water. Luckily Ruby was also still here and she helped me sell this idea. Her words did magic like always, and made this look like the best idea ever! <3

I had no idea how we could transport water for all people of the Ark from here... but I guess Bolt could help with a solution. Wasn't he talking about some tracked vehicle that could carry a lot of stuff between places?

We then went outside to convince Lincoln about the trade proposal. But Lincoln was stubborn and already made up his mind. He wanted to leave. Bolt mentioned that we could come back with 200 people. Since Lutrell also was outside, Finn added "To carry the water" to that, but I don't think Lutrell bought the excuse.

While the others were crossing the river I stayed to say goodbye to Lutrell. I thanked him for his help, and told him I would try to convince the others to set up a trade with them. He told me that he thought I was the only one thinking that way... I hope not. For sure Ruby would be interested in trading!
On the way back we took our time to make sure not to miss any useful resources.
In the wet area (H-18) we even found a large blue artifact that could float on the water, and 2 people could sit in it! This area is also where we spend the night.

In the morning I warmed contaminated grub above a fire, and I kept stirring it. Still not all Rot was gone, but I was getting close! I'm sure of it! Maybe it would help if I had a better container to heat it in...

We travelled back to the Ark while looking for more resources like grub and water. During that day I talked a bit to Lincoln about the trade proposal. I explained that is was better to not take the water by force, since without the Pure-Ones handling the island-machine, it would probably break and the clean water source would be gone forever.

Let's see if it helps, and at least he was less irritated then yesterday. Before we arrived back at the Ark I made sure to get rid of my Rot. I emitted the concentrated Rot on the ground. You could see the grass dying under the effect of it.

At the Ark we saw that there was good progress on the defense and croplands projects. The People were glad we were back with most of us alive, but some did expect us to already brought fresh water.
I told the stories of our journey to the People of the Ark and made sure they were added to the chronicles. These are the topics of these stories:

  • The spire and the half-naked Ancient
  • The Red Cross building and the Ancient skeletons
  • The devourer blocking the route
  • The huge bird that ate Felix
  • The Pure Plant, an island that's a water cleaning machine
  • The Pure Ones, living there and maintaining the machine
  • The opportunity to setup a trade route for fresh water, if we figure out a way to transport the water

We also made sure that the book of the half-naked Ancient and the blue floating artifact were added to the Ark's Dawn Vault.

And that was this adventure. I'm curious what the next Assembly will decide about the Pure Plant and the Pure Ones!

Session 0Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 31

Updated on: 15:57