6 - The Raft
Session 0 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
We will all drown!
Tesla wanted to use the ancient blue clothes she found in the birds nest and enhance her own clothes with it. Luckily i'm good with needle and thread, so I helped her sewing it together! She looked amazing in blue! <3
The next morning I got called to Kincade's cabin at the first floor of the Ark. Kincade's body lay on the ground with an axe in his head. Nothing could be done to help him anymore, he was very dead. I removed the axe and handed it to Tesla, maybe she had a use for it. Together with Rianna and Tesla we brought the body to the fire place, where we burn all the dead.
Death's like this don't often happen on the Ark, most of the time it's the Rot, or an accident, or fights... But this looked like assassination... and nobody heard or saw anything... Also there was no reason why Kincade would've been a target, he was a good guy.

The rest of the day I worked on the croplands. It was hard working, and I didn't cope well. I went to bed early, a good nights rest would help.

In the evening Tesla came back to our cabin. She told me there was a clear sky that evening, and she had some great views of the surroundings. She told about a ruined dome in the north, And in the east a broken bridge and a long flat building with iron roads coming from it. She even saw a light very far to the east! Maybe one day we could go take a look there...
The next day Lincoln told us that he wanted to use Bolt's raft to go back to the Pure Plant to get fresh water. He arranged stuff to trade, and apparently they did some testing of Bolt's raft and it really could float?! They would leave the next morning and asked me to join. Since Tesla was also going I decided to join them. They would probably need me, and maybe I could finally get the Rot out of the grub, so we had more to eat.
Early the next morning we left. First I walked at the shore with Lincoln, pulling the raft via a rope. But later that day, when I noticed the raft felt surprisingly stable I tried to board it. Luckily we stayed close to the shore where the water was not too deep.Into J-19 the surroundings again changed a bit. Instead of buildings there were high dead and rotting vegetations. I assumed the Rot did that...

So lets be careful. It was getting dark, and we decided to spend the night on an island, where we could better see and hear anyone or anything approaching.
During that night, someone heard a female voice: "Helloooo... Helloooo...."
Session 0 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Updated on: 15:53