6 - Day 4-7
Session 0 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Work at the Ark
We reach the Ark near nightfall. Finding my gang members again strengthens my resolve to find out what happened to Wyatt and free him from the grasp Harper has on him.
That night, me and the gang to pay a visit to Malf, Harper's fixer. He's easily subdued but as I pin him against the wall of his sleeping cabin he strongly refuses to tell us what he knows about the whereabouts of Wyatt. Either Harper has an extremely loyal following, or the consequences of revealing stuff to me would be even more severe. We rummage through his stuff and take the grub and water we can find.
The next morning there's a big ruckus in the Ark. We're getting kinda used to losing people overnight to the rot. But this time it's a grunt named Kincade who has been found with an axe lodged into his skull. It seems to be his own axe, but suicide can definitely be ruled out. I'm curious as to why he has been killed. He was quite an abled body who really helped out with the projects to stabilize the situation in the Ark.
After all that, it's time to continue our work on the croplands. I'm looking forward to the day when we become independent of the last few remaining cans of grub. Although we should also look into the way that the pure ones sustain a living on their small island. I wonder how the pigs play into that.
Bolt meanwhile is busy preparing a transportation device which can be used on the water to hopefully transport barrels of water down from the Pure Plant. People initially keep pestering him, asking what he is up too. I keep sending them of, explaining Bolt is working on a solution for our water problem. I urge them to gather barrels for the water and beads and mirrors to trade with. I really hope we can set up a sustainable source of fresh water, even if rationed.
The following day Bolt has finished his contraption and let's it slide into the river. It seems to remain afloat even with six people aboard. Octavia is a bit hesitant to board so she remains on the riverbank along with me. I thought it would be best to take a long rope and drag the vehicle up the stream. Bolt is struggling a bit to keep the raft in the middle of the river due to me pulling it. But his brain is churning over ideas how to resolve this. We maneuver through the remains of what seems to have been a bridge across the river and end up in an area where there's a lot of smaller buildings. Unfortunately not much to be found here and we want to make good time towards the Pure Plant so we continue. We cross an area with puddles of water and a lot of mist. The weird thing over here, it's a lot warmer than the surrounding environment...
That night we decide to set up camp in the middle of the river as the banks are all covered in dead and rotting vegetation. During the night in the misty dark, someone hears: "Hello, Helloo, Hellooo......!"
Session 0 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Updated on: 15:28