8 - More wheeled vehicles
Session 1 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 10 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite Frostbite2 | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Frostbite |
..let's take some wheels..
Time to leave! After the collapse of the building and the presence of the big rat like creatures the rest of the group came back to our raft quickly. Not a good place to spend the night I guess. We made our camp a little further along the bank, no roof over our heads, but no rats either. So I guess that's a win!
Next day was a lot more fun! Tesla went out exploring again and said she found something interesting. And interesting it was indeed! Big wheeled vehicles were rusting in some kind of central place. Some kind of signs were pointing different ways, with weird names like Brookland, Takoma and Chevy Chase. These big metal thing were filled with rows of seats. Would these vehicles bring groups of people to other places? What would be the use of that anyway?
Many thoughts, but I fear we had no time for the most interesting ones, could I get these things running again? I had some time while Tesla was still looking around the area. So I investigated the technical parts of the things, got some really interesting small parts to use later! And yes, two wheels! I'm not sure if I am allowed to take them back home, but I sure am going to try. The others, I think Tesla also found a big container of some kind. They told me it held booze inside, I quickly stopped them from tasking and corrected them it was some kind of fueling liquid. Probably for these vehicles, and maybe for my pet project back home as well!
Too bad! We have to continue further. I morosely look towards the technical marvels as we make our way back to our raft.
I don't remember too much about the next part of our journey. The Rot was thick in this part of the world and it made me badly ill. I remember something about another person being on the raft, a woman of some kind. Her not making any sense and eating and drinking our reserves. I'm not sure I understand or currently am able to understand the full picture. Luckily we are getting close to the Pure Plant and maybe we can either get rid of her or restock our reserves. Wait what? What is another woman even doing here! Is she someone we know from our Ark, or is there really more in this world?
I know we made camp before we crossed the water and I remember Rianna taking care of the woman. She does look better now and I know she's not a figment of my imagination as I feel a little better as well. Does Rianna think she can be an asset of some kind?
Back at the Pure Plant
Apparently we met people from the Pure Plant as well last night, I do not fully understand what was said, but maybe something happened there since we were gone?
We took our raft to the island and attached it to the wooden structure that was halfway into the water and at the edge of the island. Looked like a good place to put a raft, I guess we should build something like this at home as well.
As Rianna was still healing from the fight and I was still sick we would stay behind. Lincoln decided to stay with us as well. The rest left to speak to the Lutrell and his people.
When they got back they told us about the things that happened here. They were attacked and even thought it was us? Apparently these new people have some kind of vehicle as well, beat up our possible friends and took of southwest with captured people. More people in the world? This surely is breaking our view of the world!
And worst of all, all these people here did was some rites and a sacrifice of some kind? They didn't even sound like they wanted to do something to get their people back?
Session 1 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 10 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite Frostbite2 | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Frostbite |
Updated on: 15:48