8 - Day 8-10
Session 0 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
The bus is coming
We continue up the river to get away from the rat swarm and set up camp alongside the riverbank in a half collapsed building.
The next day Octavia prepares breakfast for us all by preparing the rotted grub, making it edible. Another day to continue north with our water vehicle. We enter an area with a lot of big broken down vehicles. Of course people are eager to search through these wreckages. Bolt is rolling two wheels towards our boat and Tesla finds a container containing some kind of liquid that smells somewhat like booze, but clearly isn't meant to be drunk.
Onwards again, now through a swampy area, dragging my feet through the mud as I'm still pulling along the boar across the river. I see a woman walking somewhat more inland. She's stumbling and mumbling in a language I can't understand. I call at her, asking who she is, but no response. The rest of the team has now reached the shore and Tesla, Octavia and Finn assess what's wrong with her. By their combined efforts they somewhat calm her down. But I wonder what the use is. Will it be worthwhile to spend our valuable resources on somehow who's is so messed up mentally?
That night we reach the edge of the Pure Plant area and decide to set up camp again before we'll visit Lutrell tomorrow.
During Finn's watch, a few pure ones approach us and we all wake up. "Who are you"'s are exchanged. Their next question is if we're here alone. We learn that they've very recently been attacked by a group who arrived by bus. As they notice we're no immediate threat they retreat back to their island, leaving one behind to keep watch. During Octavia's final watch of the night she sees this last pure one swimming back to the island as well.
We have breakfast again, and the rest even spends more resources on the woman we too along yesterday. I really hope she's worth it. Tesla tries a mental check on her. She notices that her mind has definitely cleared up. But this time all Tesla can make out is a very brightly lit rectangular environment with shades and very little detail. Not really helpful yet...
We float our boat to the jetty at the island and tie it up. It's negotiations time. As Octavia and Tesla really eagerly run of I let them, curious about what they'll come up with. Finn convinces me to join as well. No idea why I agreed to be honest as they still do all the talking. We'll see what I have to put right in the end, but perhaps they should experience this as well.
We encounter Lutrell in the main building, where cabinets have been pushed over and we see some bloodstains on the floor. The entrance has been broken down entirely and has been temporarily braced. Lutrell explains that a group of woman came by bus and attacked them, taking a group of able men and boys. Eventually they fought them off, but it cost them dearly. We ask what they've already done to retrieve their people. But as they got this factory to keep running to can't spare the manpower.
This gives me an idea that we can perhaps trade our effort to retrieve their people in exchange for water for our Ark. Octavia has the same idea. Now we just need to convince Lutrell about it.
Session 0 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 31 |
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Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Bolt Lincoln Octavia | Octavia |
Updated on: 15:28