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Session 0Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 23

But without any water

Played on 11-02-2024
Day 3-4
by Octavia
Hey Notebook!

So we are back at the Ark, finally! Let me tell you what happened since last time.

Ava, Finley and Ruby were asking what to do next. Of course we were going to meet the rest, Lincoln was dying to see them! But they still seemed afraid for the "Zone-Ghouls". I again explained that they looked similar but were not aggressive and could talk our language. They should give them a chance. And to avoid any confusion from now on I'll call them the 'Pure Ones'. It has a lot nicer ring to it than Zone-Ghouls.

We met the others outside of the big building. Ava told their story, about how they also encountered the Devourer and could only barely got away safe, thanks to Tank's distracting it. How they arrived on the island, but got attacked by the Huge Bird, which took Felix. How they stayed hidden in one of those huge barrels, such that the bird couldn't reach them anymore. And that hey saw these "Zone-Ghouls" at night. Which we now know luckily turned out to be the Pure Ones!

Bolt then starts a long story about this place. How that the whole island working as one big machine that makes dirty water clean and drinkable, and that it's all connected underground. This clearly has been build by the Ancients, and not the Pure Ones.
Lincoln explains the plan. He wants to figure out how they survive here, and wants to figure out if we can trade something for the water. Sounds like a good idea!

We all go inside and Lincoln starts talking with Lutrell. It doesn't go smoothly at all, he doesn't want to tell how they survive, it's not relevant for us. He just wants us to leave. If we explain we want to trade for water he tells us there is nothing they need.

We do learn that the skin-less dog-like creatures are called "pigs". And when I brought up that maybe we could help him with taking care of the "Deep One" he got really angry and annoyed. And I should not even say that word out loud... Not sure what has gotten to him, like saying a word out loud could do any harm... But in the end he tells us that we can go look for the "Deep One" if we want, and that we are a good offer.

Lincoln in the meanwhile is so irritated and annoyed with Lutrell's attitude that he leaves the building together with a few others. After hearing a Pure One show interest in the axe Rianna was carrying I propose that we can setup a trade. We could come back with for example weapons which we could trade for water. Luckily Ruby is still here and can help sell this idea.

The only issue would be is how to carry all that water... but I guess Bolt might could help with coming up with a solution. Wasn't he talking about some tracked vehicle that could carry a lot of stuff between places?

We go outside to talk about the trade idea with Lincoln, and Lutrell follows us outside. But Lincoln has made his decision, and he just wants to leave now. Bolt mentions we might come back with 200 people, to which Finn adds "To carry the water", but I don't think Lutrell buys that excuse.

While the others are already crossing the river I still try to say goodbye to Lutrell, thanks him for their help, and tell him I'll try to convince the others to set up some trade with them. He tells her that he think she is the only one that thinks that way...
Session 0Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 23

Updated on: 22:47