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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Numenera: The Pilgrimage >Handouts >Timekeeping


The most "universal" timekeeping system in the Ninth World is that of the Order of Truth. It has these properties:

  • A day is 28 hours long.
  • Each year is 313 days long, divided into 52 weeks of 6 days each. The last day of the year is called Safe Haven, and is not counted as part of any week.
  • There are 10 months in a calendar year, of 31 days each. The three days that are "missing" are counted inbetween the old and the new year.
  • Calendar years are counted from the year of the founding of the order.

The names of the months are:

  1. Moonlyth
  2. Yorkental
  3. Drebental
  4. Kaizenar
  5. Poizenar
  6. Aftental
  7. Kiltental
  8. Hebendar
  9. Sobendar
  10. Sunlyth

The campaign starts on 13, Poizenar, in the year 413.

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Page design by Stijn (main layout) & Jake (textures and colours).

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