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Sandcat RPG

>Deon Ridgeway
>Lamont Stanton

^Character descriptions

>Sandcat RPG stuff >Space Odyssey: 2364 >Character descriptions >Lamont Stanton

Lamont Stanton

Lamont Stanton was born in Western Eurasia. His parents where both working together as researchers at a chemical research centre near Paris. When Lamont was 17 years old they both died at an accident at the research centre. An explosion killed 43 people including both his parents.
At the age of 18 he went to the University of Vienna where he got his master degree in Computer Science in 2356.

When he had this title he decided that he wanted to see more of the universe and he became a military researcher for the Eurasian Confederation. He was stationed at the SRL (Security Research Lab) that was located in space station EAC6 near Mars. There he learned all about the newest military security devices and programs. Lamont was very interested in all these kind of devices and soon he was studying till late at night every time he came in touch with some new security method or device.

Besides his research there he followed a lot of other courses there available to all researchers. This way he learned about space ship systems and space vehicle operation, since the traveling through space has always fascinated him. That's also the reason why Lamont had often mentioned to his superior officer that he always dreamt of going on field missions and explore space.

In 2360 Lamont got a nanocomputer with an optic screen and some other usefull compenents installed in his body to help him with the research he did. He went to a special training facility for 6 months where he learned to use the nanocomputer. After that he continued his work at SRL.
In 2362 Lamont was called to his superior who told him he had a special oppertunity for him. They where in need of a researcher for a special field team and without any doubt Lamont volunteered for it.

After that he was transported to the space station ??? which was in orbit around earth. There his field training started. After 9 months of hard training he got a final assignment to finish his training. Together with 2 other team members they were sent to Earth to help with the security of a Space Travelling conference near New York. There he had his first gun fight...

Name:           Lamont Stanton
Species:        Human
Profession:     Tech Op
Level:          1

  Strength:      7
  Dexterity:    13
  Constitution: 10
  Intelligence: 14
  Will:          7
  Personality:   9

Action Check
  Ordinary: 14
  Good:      7
  Amazing:   3

  Sprint:   20
  Run:      12
  Walk:      4
  Swim:    2/4
  Glide:    20
  Fly:      40

  Broad Skill
    Speciality (ranks):
  Ranged Weapons:
    Pistol (1):
  Vehicle Operation:
    Space Vehicle (1):
    Computer Operation (3):
    Deduce (1):
  Computer Science:
    Hacking (2):
    Protection Protocols (1):
    Security Devices (3):
  System Operation:
  Technical Science:
Game data:
    Photo Memory: 3
    Delicate:     3
    Obsessed:     4 (with 'new' security devices)

  Optic Screen
  Wireless NIJack

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