4 - Closing in on the crossing
Session 1 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 12 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Now we just need the key
We entre the Hall of Illusion free of charge. This is some kind of glass and mirror maze. I run around bumping into various glass walls and enjoying my reflection in the funhouse mirrors, some make you longer or shorter, older or younger. Quite weird indeed. After rounding some corners I see Rubin the halfling standing in front of a mirror. In the reflection I see a younger version of him along with a young girl with a pig mask and a lollipop is whispering something to him. No girl can be seen here though, and when I approach the mirror to investigate she runs of in the mirror world. Rubin slowly starts to walk towards the mirror as if in trance. But then Zephyr rounds the corner yelling out at him. I hit Zephyr over his head with my staff as I was hoping to see what would've happened if Rubin had walked into the mirror. He explains the girl whispered him if he regretted something and that he should follow her; It felt like a dream to him. Zephyr tells him Ween is out there looking for him.
Once we reach the exit of the maze I start retracing my steps, mapping out the maze, hoping to find out what these weird mirrors are about, but eventually, once I visited all paths, I leave along with the rest.
we decide we'd like to pay Palasha a visit at the Silversong Lake. Meanwhile some are keeping an eye out for some kind of frog they want to try and convince to steal the pocket watch of mister Witch. As my ticket is running out yet again, I buy a new one as we walk past the booth anyhow.
Then on to a fun event some ring toss game where we have to throw a ring around the horn of an almiraj. Some of us give it a try, but as Ashira notices she can't win anymore she hands me her last ring. With another punch on my ticket I get three additional rings. I convince the almiraj we're somehow related (obviously) and thus manage to succesfully land two rings. Somehow I end up with a tiny coffin containing the ashes of a troll. No idea what to do with that.
We go on until Dhanell all of a sudden spots a weird lady wearing a long dark dress who appears to be floating. He addresses her, but she quickly "floats" away. Some chase her back to the Hall of Illusion where she disappears into a mirror. Zephyr chases after her bumping into the mirror. They start calling out for her and explain to bystanders they trying to lure a little girl... One of the bystanders quickly warns Candlefoot about a child molester in the maze, but Dhanell manages to defuse the situation, explaining about a girl vanishing into a mirror. He initially looks fakely unaware, but as they question him, he explains this girl, along with the pig mask girl and a lornling often appear and disappear through the mirrors. Meanwhile Frostbite and me are waiting around and I decide to treat him to a drink as he looks rather thirsty. As I return with the drinks he quickly puts away his waterskin, hihi. I ask Candlefoot if this could be the crossing, but he now shuts up as he shouldn't have told us anything about this in the first place and he turns full black and white now.
We finally reach Palasha in het fishbowl and enjoy her performance. Even the water around her and the fishes join in an awesome harmony. After the performance she comes swimming towards us and thanks us for helping Candlefoot. She has no idea however about a crossing, but advises us to visit the Carousel. Maeve remains with her to learn some more about singing. I thought her singing was already quite impeccable though, but who knows.
At the carousel a female centaur is making four wooden unicorns come to life and run in circles with the visitors on their back. As we ask her some question she closes up the attraction and tells us if we help her she'll tell us what she knows. We are to paint four additional unicorns so they can join the others. After some puzzling we decide on what names to give them and where to put them. The centaur, grateful for our help, offers a free ride and we all mount a unicorn. During the ride there's some telepathic connection with them. We learn that the three weird vanishing creatures are henchman of the Hourglass Coven. The coven blackmails Witch and Light who let's them steal small things at the carnival to avoid them causing a riot. The unicorns also acknowledge the crossing to the Feywild is to be found in the Hall of Illusions, but they have no idea about the passphrase. Sigh. The other also learn a lot about the coven and the three witches. ' The Unicorns however don't know where to get a good pint of beer...
after the ride the centaur again thanks us for the help, but she still looks somewhat dismayed. As we ask about this, she explains she once was in search of her favorite horse and one of the witches offered to help and bring her and the horse closer, turning her into the centaur she nowadays is. When we ask which one it was she doesn't want to tell, but coughs up some tree-sap like liquid.
as we're nearing coronation time Zephyr, Dhanell and Ashira put their pocket watch plan in motion. Meanwhile Frostbite takes a dragonfly ride to be on the lookout for the henchman. He doesnt find them but he does see someone without wings who calls out that he lost something, but he's quickly escorted of the carnival grounds. I take up a position near the Hall of Illusion to see if they reappear there, but after four minutes I get bored and enter the maze again to try and find out the secret to enter a mirror. I try all kinds of passphrases "Open sesame", "Mirror Open", ... I also try tapping, knocking, fist bumping, magic handshakes, hugging, ... But nothing works. I think we do need some help from either mister Witch or Light.
The others meanwhile with the help of the kenku and Burley manage to enter the staff area and somehow even manage to get away with stealing the pocket watch. They explain we'll negotiate about the crossing after the coronation ceremony.
Session 1 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 12 |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 09:47