3 - Into the Depths of Wonder and Fear

From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 12

Too much fear though

Played on 01-12-2024
Day 9-10
by Frostbite

The round minecart rattled as it descended into the abyss, the companions exchanging nervous glances. Frostbite, ever the stoic, sat silently, his massive hands resting on his thighs, claws gently scraping the metal. The air grew colder, the tunnel darker, until it seemed the world itself ceased to exist. Then, light flared ahead—a swirl of vibrant colors in the void. They emerged into an underground carnival. High tents pierced a sky speckled with artificial stars, their peaks swaying gently as if alive. The cart glided past bustling crowds, all oblivious to the group’s presence. Dhanell leaned out, shouting to the passersby, but no one responded. “This... shouldn’t be possible,” he muttered, his voice tinged with awe and unease. The cart moved, carrying them deeper into this hidden carnival. Just as their curiosity peaked, a sharp turn revealed a monstrous snapping turtle with jagged teeth. Its roar rattled the cart, and Frostbite bared his own fangs in reflex. “Not impressed,” he growled, though the same couldn’t be said for his companions. Ashira gripped her weapon, and Zephyr muttered an incantation, ready for something that never came. The cart sped onward, leaving the creature behind.

Fear’s Grip

As they rounded another corner, the festive glow dimmed, replaced by an eerie mist. Shapes flickered within the haze, shifting and unnatural. Frostbite's ears twitched as the ghostly figures moved, their silent menace gnawing at him. Then, from behind Dhanell, a zombie appeared, its blue eyes glinting, a crimson bowtie grotesquely pristine against its rotting form. It tipped its crown mockingly as it leaned into the cart. Frostbite roared, a primal sound that echoed off the unseen walls. He shouted into Dhanell’s ear, the sound so loud it startled even himself. Shame mingled with anger as he tried to steady his breathing, but the cart pressed onward, the mist thickening. From the depths of the fog, a banshee materialized, its spectral wail piercing the air. Frostbite froze. The pale moonlight illuminated its hollow eyes, eyes that stared into his deepest fears. He clenched the central wheel of the cart, his knuckles whitening beneath his fur. Closing his eyes, he wrestled with the storm within, the urge to lash out and destroy. Instead, he took a deep breath—a slow, deliberate act of defiance. When he opened his eyes again, he saw his companions facing horrors of their own: Medusa’s petrifying glare, a Drider’s hairy legs crawling close, unearthly sounds emanating from the shadows. Seeing their struggles reminded Frostbite that he was not alone. He forced himself to focus on the present, and as the banshee receded into the mist, he felt a flicker of pride. He had not succumbed. The cart plunged into a glowing blue lake, the water lapping around them as if alive. A monstrous mussel snapped at them, but its absurdity broke the tension. Frostbite chuckled—just a small, rough laugh, but genuine. As the cart emerged from the waters, the companions exchanged relieved looks. They were damp, shaken, but alive.

Carnival Games and Reflections

The minecart screeched to a halt outside, where Zephixo awaited them. The dwarf wizard’s grin was mischievous as he asked, “So, did you have fun?” Frostbite growled but refrained from snapping at him. Instead, he stomped to a high striker game nearby. Ignoring the hammer, he hefted his club and swung with a force that rang the bell loudly enough to startle nearby carnival-goers. The baffled game operator forgot to ask for payment, and Frostbite handed over his ticket without a word. The pixies of Pixie Kingdom found them next, sprinkling dust over the party and shrinking them to minuscule size. Frostbite found himself face-to-face with a puppy the size of a horse and, despite himself, broke into a toothy grin. The others played hide-and-seek with the pixies, but Frostbite spent his time riding the puppy around, feeling a rare, childlike joy.

The Big Top Extravaganza

The group reconvened at the Big Top for the show. Frostbite entered with anticipation and wasn’t disappointed. Mister Light welcomed the audience with grand flair, his scepter sparkling under the tent’s lights. Burly the strongman amazed with feats of strength, and Palasha, a mermaid with flowing purple hair, sang a hauntingly beautiful melody. Frostbite wiped a tear from his eye, unashamed of the emotion stirred within him. The show culminated in Maeve’s performance. Her lute complemented her voice as she spun a tale of farce and wit, engaging the audience with her mastery of storytelling. When the gnome from earlier joined in from across the tent, the harmony was electric. The crowd erupted in applause, and Frostbite found himself clapping along with unrestrained enthusiasm.

Confrontation and Mystery

After the show, the group split to investigate lingering threads. Brolin, Dhanell, and Frostbite cornered Kettlesteam the Kenku disguised as a human. As they argued over a corn husk doll tied to Candlefoot the mime’s lost voice, Frostbite grew frustrated with the convoluted conversation. Finally, the Kenku removed the straw binding the doll, returning the mime’s voice. Though Frostbite didn’t fully understand, he sensed progress had been made. Reunited, the group shared what they had learned. Mister Light and Mister Witch knew the path to the Feywild but would not divulge it willingly. Burley hinted they might have to steal the watch or scepter to force their hand. Frostbite frowned. Stealing didn’t sit well with him, but he resolved to think it over.

Reflections Under the Stars

As they left the Hall of Illusions after speaking with Candlefoot, Frostbite felt a strange blend of emotions. The carnival was unlike anything he had ever experienced: joyous, yet somehow wrong. He didn’t understand its mysteries, but he knew he was growing stronger, more controlled. As they walked under the carnival’s glittering lights, he looked at his companions and felt a spark of hope. Perhaps together, they could find the answers they sought.

Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 12

Updated on: 17:30