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2. Djinn Banishing 101 (Nafay)

Played on October 2nd, 2022


As we enter the ship we're menatlly violated by as it turns out a Djinn. Adzem brought stuuf along to banish it, but we have to lure it towards him. The crew in the Orun II who are still alive are completely unwilling to help us. Doors are welded shut to slow progress. After moving back anf forth quite a few times we finally reach the front of the ship with Zayd, Maruf, Callum, Adzem and Nafay. Morgiana and Neomi are in the engine room arguing with a crewmember to restore power to the ship which will be done, once the Djinn is taken care of.

On the corpse we find a tabula which is tossed aside in our airlock. Zayd orders us all to enter the Orun II to investigate. Inside we see outdated consoles. There's a faint smell of burned up electronics, and a lot of spare parts. Two exoshells hang in cabinet on the side of the room.
Suddenly the lights dim even further and a very cold airstream can be felt. Everybody all of a sudden feels a message headache which vanishes soon after again. Also the light burn brigther again. That felt really bad, I feel mentally violated. Luckilly the cold air diminishes. Adzem who followed in our footsteps tells us he thinks he knows what's going on here and that we should help him get his two boxes. Neomi continues on towards the engineroom. Morgiana starts investigating the service area, while the rest of us help Adzem getting his stuff.

As Zayd keeps omplaining to Adzem about the boxes and all the time it is taking us, Adzem decide to explain he expects an evil Djinn to be present on the ship.His boxes contain materials to banish such a creature.
Neomi has been using his exoloader suit to open up a pathway into the engine room, by breaking open the door and removing as much of the bloackade behind it as possible. Morgiana found a small canteen with a few dressing rooms.

We hear a crackle from the ships intercom "GO BACK, THIS SHIP IS DOOMED!". We decide that, while Neomi is working on the engines, hopeing that'll help restore power to the entire ship, we'll head towards the bridge. Adzem expects the Djinn to be there, so we'll try to lure it back here.
We split up and callum and me are the first to enter an elevator towards the middle of the ship. At a gruelling slow pace we move past some of the huge blocks of ice transported by the Orun II and we reach the middle. There we find out that the door has been welded shut. Via the communicator we have a short discussion what to do, and we ask the others at the back to gather some tools to open the door using some kind of plasma torch.
Meanwhile Neomi has reached the engines which are emitting quite a bit of heat as they propel us towards the astroid field. She hears footsteps echoing in the room and calls out to Morgiana that they are not alone in there. "Hello, who's there? We're here to help!"
"Flight while you still can, the Djinn will come for you!"
Neomi keeps going on the console in the engine room and manages to break into the system. She's now able to restore power to the bridge, but steering the engines away from the astroids will require us to reach that bridge in the first place.

With the plasma torhc now in our possession Callum and me take the elevator back to the middle toegther with Zayd. Maruf will stay behind in case we need our ship to be flown towards the front to pick us up if we break the elevators or airlocks.
Callum manages to cut the welds allowing the airlock door to open this time. "Go away" we hear accompanied by the noise of a pwower drill. I carefully move around the room looking for the person threatening us, trying to soothe him, telling him we're here to save them. Eventually he calms down somewhat, at least just enough not to try and escape into space.
As Neomi is trying to restore the power she's jumped by someone. From a walkway Morgiana observes this event and quickly climbs down to help Neomi against her attacker. Once they promise not to restore the power for now, the attacker let's go.
Maruf meanwhile checks on what Adzem is doing. He's reading from some ancient scriptures and exclaims it's an instruction how to banish Djinn's.

In the middle area we ponder if it's feasible to lure the Djinn towards the back and decide it's best to get Adzem and his stuff and set up near the bridge in the front. So we head back and forth again, now also with maruf, Adzem and his boxes.
We contact Neomi and ask her to negotiate in the engine room to restore the power to the elevators, without fully restoring power to the bridge. This would allow us to reach the Djinn and hopefully defeat it.
While Adzem is heading our way, we work on the other doors, but unfortunately this goes wrong on one of them which enters an emergency state and quickly closes after a short space vacuum. With a blessing from zZayd he luckilly is more succesfull on the other door.
Than, all of a sudden, as if we hadn't had enough challenges already, the artificial gravity fails. We're glad to hear that Morgiana had seen the console controlling it and manages to restore it quite quickly.

As we now have everything and everyone hopefully ready to take on the Djinn, we cram into the elevator towards the front.